With a lot of help from friends, the Menu Bar of the PMUG website has been updated.

You can now access the PMUG meeting minutes directly from the Menu Bar instead of looking around for the link that is (still) buried in the Home page.
The other big change is that the Newsletter is no longer hosted by Blogspot. When clicking on the Newsletter item in the Menu, instead of being switched to a different website, the content of the Newsletter is shown in the current window/tab.
By the way, the Newsletter isn't really a Newsletter. Technically, it is a Blog. And we have a new Newsletter Editor. Her name is Sharon Walsh (backed up by John Carter). You can still submit your comments, news, photos, and favorite recipes by e-mail to "editor (at) pmug (dot) us". Sharon may possibly change the content (she is the editor after all), and then post it for you. Unlike other blogs, there is no way to directly post comments.
The presentation of the Newsletter hasn't changed (much). Instead of seeing all the tags on the right side, a list of past blogs by month is shown. If you want to find an article, simply enter a keyword in the Search bar to the right of the Menu bar (found on every page).
In fact, the Search bar in the Menu of the PMUG website is an excellent way to find anything in the PMUG website. Give it a try.