Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Answering iTunes Questions

        John Carter sends some important info:  "Take Control of iTunes 11: The FAQ" now answers iTunes 11 questions.
        "Few upgrades of late have engendered as much press - and hand-wringing among users - as iTunes 11. It's not surprising - millions of people rely on Apple's media management tool for a wide variety of tasks, but the new version revamped the interface and moved controls for many long-standing features.
        "If you've upgraded to iTunes 11 and are having trouble navigating its new interface or figuring out how best to use the new Up Next feature or the changed Genius, Shuffle, Search, and MiniPlayer features, help is now available in Kirk McElhearn's freshly published Take Control of iTunes 11: The FAQ. Written in question-and-answer style with a strong focus on audio and video, this 192-page guide will help you take your iTunes know-how to 11 thanks to chapters such as Play, Rip, Buy, Tag, Organize, Search, and Sync that cover the basics and beyond. Start answering your iTunes 11 questions today! 
        "The book normally costs $15, but the 30% MUG discount drops that to $10.50. Learn more about the book via the coupon-loaded link here: "
