We appreciate having interesting, helpful PMUG meetings. And we appreciate YOU coming.
See what Jim Hamm has to say: "This is an open letter to PMUG members, and I have some questions for you. How long have you been a member of PMUG? How many meetings have you attended, where someone else stood up and shared some knowledge with you? How many tips have you sent to be published in the PMUG newsletter. How many officer positions in PMUG have you volunteered for? How many presentations have you given?
"If the answer to these questions is none, PMUG needs your help.
"If the answer to these questions is none, PMUG needs your help.
"The President and Vice President are not planning to run for office again, and we need volunteers for these positions, and to give some presentations. Yes, I'm talking about you, one who hasn't contributed in the past. Remember, the meetings and presentations don't just spontaneously happen -- someone has to work and make them happen."
Now, Jim illustrates this, "Here's an analogy. Let's say your neighborhood has a potluck, pitch-in, dinner every month. You faithfully show up, enjoy the food and camaraderie, but never contribute any food.
"Would you do that? I don't think so. The same with PMUG. It's nice to come to the meetings and hear what someone else has prepared for you. But it's also nice for you to chip in now and then also.
"The intent of this note is not to embarrass you or rile you up. Its intent is to get you to volunteer. If you haven't contributed to PMUG in the past, now is the time to step up. We need volunteers who care and want to see PMUG continue."
So, let Jim's logic sink in, then email your ideas to PMUG. Click on About Us, and contact one of our officers. We do appreciate YOU.