Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Jony Ive

Read About the Genius

        Jim Hamm informs us, "You may be aware of a new book that is now available: Jony Ive - The Genius Behind Apple's Products by Leander Kahney. I asked the Scottsdale Library System if they would consider purchasing the book. They agreed, and it is on order. You can now place a hold on it if you're interested in reading it.

        "I don't know if libraries in the Valley have inter-library loan agreements if you're not a member of the Scottsdale Library, but you could check if interested in the book. 
         "I know the Prescott Library is a member of an inter-library loan arrangement. Recently I was interested in reading an older book they didn't have. The library placed an order for me and one day it showed up at the library, and the book was from the library in San Antonio, Texas! I was amazed, and didn't realize the Prescott Library even had this type of arrangement."
        Jim closes with, "Anyway, it will be interesting to read about Jony's contributions to Apple's success." 