
Problem Solving & Learning More

        Three articles caught Jim Hamm's attention, and each deserve at least a quick look.  Even if you're not particularly interested in the topic, it might be interesting to note the links on these sites. The first two are from MakeUseOf, and it has links to How To & Tips, Cheats & Guides, Geeky Fun. The third is from the latest Macworld that shows links to What's Hot, Reviews, How-To and Creative.
        "If you were a Mobile Me user, you might have additional storage on iCloud. Take a look at this.
        "Here's an article describing the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web. For most of us, we probably don't care about the difference, we just appreciate that it all works.
        "If  you've upgraded to iOS 6 and are experiencing some problems, here's an article with some tips that might help."         

How to Keep Your Email Address

        If you currently have a .mac or .me email address here's helpful info from Jim Hamm.  He says, "MobileMe is ending shortly.  Here's an article with some instructions. . . Although I've got a .me email address, I don't use it (because Gmail seems to work so well) — but I think I've got it set up to continue in case I might want to start using it in the future."

Making the Transition from MobileMe to iCloud

        Have you been reading about the transition to Lion, the move from MobileMe to iCloud and how to deal with some issues?  Ward Stanke sends this helpful info.
        "This article from Ars Technica talks specifically about the problems some users are having managing the transition from MobileMe to iCloud, specifically problems with multiple or shared AppleIDs.
        "This article from Apple User Group Resources includes a handy chart which shows the differences between MobileMe and iCloud and what is supported or not under each. It also show what alternate applications could be substituted for the old familiar ones which won't work under Lion (such as AppleWorks and Quicken). It also lists a number of helpful links to help walk you through some of the issues."

Alternative Website Editors Are Available

"Although Apple's MobileMe web hosting apparently is going away permanently in a year, you can still use iWeb to create websites in other places," Art Gorski comments.  "But any Apple widgets you are using will probably no longer work, and it looks like Apple may be dropping development and support for iWeb. So here's a good article on alternative website editors for Mac users."