Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Looking for Help with iDVD

       David Passell asks this question and sends this warning about iDVD.   "Hi: I have been using iDVD 7.1.1 to create DVDs from pictures and movies from iPhoto (It still works with iPHOTO '11). I thought that perhaps there is a newer version and at the Apple App Store there is a 'MPVs iDVD 11 101.' However, beware: Here is a comment from a very dissatisfied customer. (Click to enlarge it.)

"If I read this correctly, not only is there no update for iDVD, but LION disables it completely. I notice it is not in the current iLIFE suite. Another reason why I won't be upgrading (if that is the correct term?) to LION.  Is there a later version of iDVD, and if so where do I find it?"