"How many times have you wanted to access a file that is on your computer (Mac or PC) from your iPad, iPod Touch, or iPhone? Even if it was only once, you know how frustrated you got because it just didn’t seem like it would be possible," begins John Carter.
Now, John offers some helpful info. "Enter FileBrowser from Stratospherix.
Video Walkthrough of iOS 7.1 Changes
"Here’s an article that summarizes the improvements in the newly released iOS 7.1," Prez Art Gorski announces. "There’s also a link to Apple’s page on this update and a video showing the new features. Even better, iOS 7.1 is much faster on iPhone 4 and older iPads." Take a look at the 9 minute video here.
iOS 7.1: Shift Key Explained
"The subject upgrade has changed the appearance of the keyboard on the iPhone or iPad. It can be a bit confusing to quickly determine if you're in lower or upper case, or all caps. Here is an explanation that will help," Jim Hamm notifies us.
Mail in Mavericks and iOS 7: How To
Having trouble or confusions with Apple Mail in Mavericks? John Carter to the rescue. "Lots has changed from previous versions, particularly for Gmail users, and although Apple has restored some functionality in 10.9.1 and the just-released 10.9.2, there's nothing like a healthy dose of expert advice to put you back in control of your email. "To help with that, email expert Joe Kissell has revisited the topic in 'Take Control of Apple Mail.' This new ebook, which covers both Mail for Mavericks and iOS 7, provides 175 pages of essential setup, usage, and troubleshooting advice, whether you use Gmail, iCloud, Exchange, or IMAP — or more than one. The book normally costs $15, but the 30% MUG discount drops that to $10.50. Learn more about the book and purchase via the coupon-loaded link. Want to know more? "Along the way, Joe explains core concepts like special IMAP mailboxes and email archiving, reveals Mail's hidden interface elements, and offers tips on customizing Mail to your preferences (including the best power-user plugins for Mail on the Mac). You'll also learn how to find that message in the haystack, figure out how digital signatures and encryption work in Mail, and uncover solutions to numerous common problems. Perhaps most important, Joe shares his strategy for avoiding email overload; the article where he first introduced it won American Business Media’s Neal Award for Best How-To Article.
iOS 7 Tips to Try
"If you use iOS 7 on your iPhone or iPad, you may want to take a look at these 18 tips from InfoWorld. Many you'll probably already be aware of, but there might be a new one or so. Worth a look," declares Jim Hamm.
What's New in iOS 7
Take a look at this info just posted to the PMUG site by Mary Ann Clark. It's "What's New in iOS 7" the presentation given by John Carter at the November 23 joint meeting of PCS and PMUG.
What's New for iPhone, iPad? Come Tomorrow & Find Out
Having trouble figuring out the iOS 7 update for your iPhone and/or iPad? Be sure to attend this meeting to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s not. We’ll also cover some really great photo apps for iOS 7.
This is a joint PMUG & PC meeting at Prescott Public Library tomorrow from 1-3 pm. Come and learn some helpful info.
27 Tips & Tricks for iPad Air and 30 for iOS 7
Here Jim Hamm found these 27 tips and tricks to get the most out of iPad Air . And here's 30 helpful tips and tricks for iOS 7. http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/ios-7-helpful-tips-and-tricks/
Ten iOS 7 Tips
"If you've upgraded to iOS 7, here's some tips that might be handy to know," Jim Hamm recommends. See the latest for your iPhone and iPad. You can click to get a FREE daily tip sent to your email.
Features of the Camera in iOS 7
"Here is a helpful article on new features for the camera in iOS 7," Jim Hamm brings to our attention.
Comparing iOS 6 and iOS 7
"Here is an interesting side by side comparison of various features between iOS 6 and iOS 7. If you haven't upgraded yet, this look may help you decide. If you've already upgraded, do you miss what you had, or like the new look better?
90 Tips for iOS 7
"Here's an article from MacLife with 90 tips for using iOS 7. It looks like it will be quite helpful in using and understanding the new iOS 7," notes Jim Hamm.
iPhone User Guide for iOS 7
"If you've upgraded to iOS 7 on your iPhone, here is a tutorial from Apple that might be helpful," and this tip is from Jim Hamm who is also helpful.
Make that iOS 7 Easier to Read
"If you've upgraded to iOS 7 and find the font a bit difficult to read, here's an article on how to make the font easier to read," says Jim Hamm, in his email to us, short and to the point.
Privacy Settings in iOS 7
"Here is an article with some suggestions for privacy settings in iOS 7," Jim Hamm wants us to know.
Bypass This Vulnerability in iOS 7
This is just in from Jim Hamm, "Here is an article on how the lockscreen can be bypassed in iOS 7. Apple is aware of this vulnerability and said a fix will be coming in a future update. The article describes what one can do in the meantime."
The 16 Best Things About iOS 7
"If you're still wondering/waiting on whether to upgrade to iOS 7, here's some comments that might help you to decide. The more I use it, the better I like iOS 7," writes Jim Hamm. The 16 Best Things About iOS 7: http://mashable.com/2013/09/19/16-best-things-ios-7/
iOS 7 and 10.8.5 Update
John Carter reports on his experience with updates. "I updated my iPad 4, my iPhone 5, and Jackie's iPhone 4S.
To enlarge the illustration click on it, then click to go back to the post.
Another iOS 7 Upgrade Report
Prez Art Gorski reports on his experiences with the iOS 7 upgrade. "Well, I upgraded my decrepit iPhone 4 to iOS 7. Even though a lot of features aren't available on a phone this old, I like the improvements that I do get. Mary Ann upgraded her iPad 2 with no problems as well.
iOS 7 Comments
Here's Jim Hamm's comments on upgrading to iOS 7. "Realizing that it's better to wait for some time before updating to a new iOS, I, of course, ignored my own advice and went ahead just now and updated my iPhone 5, iPad 2, and iPad Mini to iOS 7.