Here's that word FREE. "For the storage of your photos, Google Photos is free, has unlimited storage, and is available on iOS devices. What's not to like about this scenario?" asks Jim Hamm. See and take a look at this article, dated 5-28-15:
Keeping Up With the Controversy
"On Monday, several media outlets mistakenly reported that Apple had installed 'backdoors' on millions of iPhones and iOS devices," states David Passell. He sends this link and comments, "Interesting article on 'hacking the 'backdoor.' Media reports anything that may upset somebody or make them insecure. Then they will make themselves happy again by buying a sponsor's product."
Apple Files New Patents for iPen
"What?" exclaims John Carter. "A stylus for the iOS device? Unheard of. Well, not entirely. I have purchased several stylii over the past year only to either lose them in the wash or ignore them altogether—because they just don’t work as well as my finger!
How to Lock Down Location Services
"Here is a tip that you might want to implement on your IOS device. Read the article and it makes a lot of sense to do so. I just did on my iPad and will do so on my iPhone," writes Jim Hamm. See it here.
A Review of Apple's New Router
"Here is a review of Apple's new router," begins Jim Hamm. "It gets good marks with one exception: it is not friendly with PCs, which I think is a huge mistake by Apple. One initially needs a Mac or iOS device to set it up. Afterwards, a PC can connect and use it easily. But Apple is missing a huge chunk of the router market by not designing it to be PC friendly to set it up.
About Google Now
About IMAP and POP
"If you'd like to understand better what the email protocol 'IMAP' is all about, here is an article that gives a good description of it," begins Jim Hamm with his trademark grin. He acknowledges, "Understandably, you may not care. If the client you use for email works for you, and you're not inclined to change, then just bypass this article.