Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

on sale

Get Ready for Photos for Mac

        Here's the latest from John Carter,  "Photos has at long last showed its face in OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite, now in public beta, and we expect it to be released within weeks. But should you trust your irreplaceable photo library to Photos right away? And what capabilities might you lose if you do? 
        "There are some early answers in the new 'Photos for Mac: A Take Control Crash Course,' penned by Jason Snell, formerly of Macworld and now at Six Colors. The book normally costs $10, but the 30% MUG discount drops that to $7. Learn more about the book and buy it via the coupon-loaded link below."


Prepare for Yosemite

        John Carter alerts us to a new Take Control offer.  There's an early-bird version of Joe Kissell's Take Control of Upgrading to Yosemite, available now at a steep discount.  Take a look at  describing their 73-page offer.  Mary Ann Clark has posted many of John's articles in detail on the PMUG website: under the heading of Reviews. 
