Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

social networking

Social Networking Explained

        John Carter spoke on Social Networking to a combined group of PMUG and the local PC Club yesterday.  He’s posted the pdf under Benefits < Tips and Tricks.  Go here to the PMUG website. You’ll find an extensive report that would take 133 pages to print out! (John didn’t just do this off the top of his head!)  
        His report identifies the top social networking sites and discusses Protocol, Problems, Password, Privacy, Photos, and Possibilities.  


Joint Meeting Looks at Social Networking

        Social networking:  is it a fad that’s just fashionable now, or is it becoming an essential part of communication?  John Carter will answer all your questions at the Joint PMUG/PC meeting this Saturday, 1:15 to 3 pm. at the Prescott Public Library Founders Suite. Your PC friends might not know about this joint meeting unless they attend PCS meetings; do them a favor by informing them. Read more 
