Consider "Net Neutrality"

Should the FCC and the government stay out of the Internet, or should ISPs be allowed to, say, charge for the amount of usage a person uses?  Jim Hamm raises this question and goes on to say, "After reading this article I'm still a bit uncertain if I'm 'fer or agin' net neutrality. Do you think the FCC and government should stay out of the Internet, or should ISPs be allowed to, say, charge for the amount of usage a person uses? For example, YouTube has caused a significant increase in soaking up broadband, as does downloading movies, etc. This can cause internet slowdown in a neighborhood. Should people pay for this increased usage?"

"Another example: now many RV parks charge for WiFi (which is OK, somebody has to pay for this service), but now when one pays the fee you are limited to 60MB/day usage. Once you get to that level, you have to pay another fee for another 60MB. The parks say this restriction is needed because too many campers were soaking up available WiFi watching or downloading movies.

Jim concludes, "We'll see and hear more about this issue in future months, I'm sure."  Here's the article.