Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

E-waste problem and solution

The headline grabbed Elaine Hardt's attention because her granddaughter, Joy Hardt started an orphanage in Ghana, Africa, in 2007--HardtHaven--so she was interested in  news about Ghana.

At the Cult of Mac website a serious problem and a helpful solution are described, “In the West African nation’s capital of Accra, particularly the slum known as Agbogbloshie, large landfills are strewn with decades’ worth of discarded electronics. It’s one of the most concentrated e-waste sites in the world.

"Enterprising locals have created a booming second-hand market around the (questionably legal) influx of old printers, TVs, computers and whatnot. Upon landing on Ghana’s shores, these devices enter into a vibrant network of repairmen, resellers and middlemen who pass them on to locals, who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford such products."

The article goes on to say, “That’s one of the aims of Cult of Mac’s buyback program: By partnering with electronics recycling company MyPhones Unlimited, we’re making it easy (and lucrative) for you to send your old electronics to a service that will refurbish and return the gadgets to the market or properly dispose of them if that’s not possible.” P.S. Joy is an R.N. and has now completed her contract in the Ebola treatment unit in Sierra Leone. At the first of the year she plans on going back home to Spokane where Elaine's son and daughter-in-law live.
