Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Goodbye to De Previous Prez

At today's PMUG meeting we officially sent De Previous Prez Allen Laudenslager off to Denver, to his new home.  Elaine read the following:

Email sent to Allen Laudenslager,
Do not be alarmed,
But someone purporting to be “Allen L”
Has aroused our suspicion!
He threatens to move to someplace called D - 
Now, how is that for wishin’
But we have reason to believe
That the email in question
is baloney. 
Why would anyone who lives currently
In Prescott, Arizon-ee

Pull up stakes, stuff suitcases
And pack up his Mac;
Wave goodbye, completely?  
The very idea makes me
Question someone’s sanity!  
Should said email be true
We would feel sad,
And pout and frown;
How could such a good guy
Leave and let us down! 
Part Two of this Ballad, 
OK, stop the sniveling,
‘Tis time to brave up and 
Try to somehow smile;
We value our memories of him,
That makes this rhyme worthwhile.
We’ve had it verified by
Allen Laudenslager!
The previous prez
Has written to substantiate 
‘Twas true what the email sez.
He moves north to brave the snow!
Off he goes, now it’s up to us
To toughen up and go
To display our better manners
which we will try to show. 
Onward PMUG, there’s work to do:
Gather when we can
To learn, and then to share;
We appreciate each other . . . 
How much we really care!
* These strongly held opinions
verbalized by Elaine Hardt
with full permission from
the “powers that be”!  