Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Got a New Apple Product?

         If you — or a friend of yours — received a new Mac computer or iPad, iPod, iPhone for a holiday gift  (Congratulations!)  you'll want to mark your calendar now. You can learn more and make friends at the Prescott Mac User Group. 
         Bobbie Pastor, PMUG secretary has just reminded us of the January events.  John Carter and Bobbie hold SIGS (Special Interest Groups) on the first and fourth Fridays each month. 
         Our monthly meetings are practical and fun. January 18, 10 am to 12 starts us off.  Prez Art Gorski has plans for the year to announce, and Ginger Carlson, our cookie lady, will have some yum-yums for us.  Other board members, David Rothgery and David Passell will be happy to shake your hand.  And you'll meet the other Chairs, Mary Ann Clark, Ward Stanke, Sharon Lampert, Howard Reider, and Elaine Hardt. 
        So come and bring a friend! 
