Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Mac for Sale

Bill Williamson writes that he's got a Mac for sale. Take a look:
"Believe it or not, we are running out of space on our lower floor. I will have to get rid of one of my Macs and the entire set up. A moving van is coming this weekend with lots more 'stuff' for our lower floor so I’m offering someone 'a chance of a lifetime' deal. All of the items in the package below will be sold to the highest bidder by this Friday providing they will pick it up by noon this Saturday, July 18th."
A Package Deal to the highest bidder:
Mac Power PC, OS 9.1, CD player, floppy disk and zip internal drives.
LaCie 10 GB external HD
Keyboard, Kensington Track Ball
Sony Multiscan 400 PS 19” CRT Display
LaserWriter Select
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Kaleidagraph 3.0
MS Basic
MacDraw Pro
MathType 3.5
MS Office 2001
Painter 5.0
Quicken Delux 2002
Write Now 3.0
Bill Williamson, 374 Summit Pointe Dr., Prescott, Ph. 928-708-0843
