Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Mac Mentoring

        "This is just in from Jim Hamm, "Are any of you interested in being a Mac Mentor at the Prescott Library? John Carter and I are presently mentors, but I’ll be spending a good bit of the winter at our condo in Scottsdale and won’t be available to do much mentoring in Prescott. John will continue mentoring at the Prescott Library, but his preference is to do more mentoring at the Prescott Valley Library since it is closer to his home.
        "If any of you would like to devote some volunteer time helping people with their Macs, let me know. There’s a big need for this in our community. I’ll explain what’s involved and how to become a volunteer at the Prescott Library. I’ll continue doing Mac mentoring when we’re in Prescott, and we’re not moving to Scottsdale. Prescott is still our home. I just won’t be here as much this winter.
        "Thanks, and let me know if you’d like to give this a try."  Email Jim here.
