Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Meet Our New Officers

       Election for our new officers was held last week at the June 21 PMUG meeting.  First, thanks to those four hard-working individuals who led us for the last 2 years:  Art Gorski, the out-going Prez, Dave Rothgery, out-going Veep, then the two who agreed to be continue and were re-elected:  Bobbie Pastor, secretary, and David Passell, treasurer.  Give each one a pat on the back!  
        Meet our new PMUG Officers: 

Robert Raess, alias “Rob  is Prez.  Here’s a brief introduction to a busy man.  He’s been a Prescott resident since 1971.  Back in the 80’s he had an Atari for computer games and he remembers “trying to wrap my head around DOS, going to bed with a 2” thick manual on DOS.  Fast forward to the mid 90’s we got a PC and never did anything except play solitaire.  I remember it giving us fits and became a money pit.”
Anyone else identify with those frustrating early computers?  
Rob goes on, “My daughter is a grapic designer and used Macs and helped us get our first iMac running Jaguar, gave us tech support, and we were off.”  He exclaims, “Now, I’m swimming in the deep end, time for the big boy pants!”  
You can picture his smile as he recites this well-known verse, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” 
Is there more?  Rob adds this, “Wood artist, wood turner, and Chinese brush painting, hiking, birding, and Bonsai.”
He’s looking forward to a good year at PMUG, working with the team of officers and all the volunteers that make our group such a helpful and friendly bunch of people. 

Stepping up to serve as Vice-Prez is Pam Wickstrom. You’ve seen her helping at the

monthly meetings, but let’s get better acquainted with this smiling gal.  
She’s a 17 year resident of Prescott, and has been in PMUG since 2007 when she “invested heavily” in a Mac Pro desktop and 32 inch monitor for her photography and music interests.  Acquiring multiple Mac devices and software perpetuate her claim of “being master of none.”
  Pam’s education and work experiences have been interestingly varied.  After graduating in 1964 with a BS degree from Columbia University she went to Madison WI where she practiced clinical nursing in the university’s neurosurgical intensive care unit.  Moves to Rochester NY, Redlake, MN, Salt Lake City UT, and Denver CO were career builders, including her MBA.  
Her business years included developing and administering managed care programs for Blue Cross, Blue Shield organizations, then building and directing operations for 10 years as a co-owner of a radiology facility in Prescott.  Most recently, she’s been doing intermittent medical consulting. 
Pam describes herself as “always challenged by adventures and learning.”  This involves completing 10 marathons, including Boston.  Then, there’s camping — from tent, to car-top tent, to a truck with camper and finally to her current RV. 
Spare time?  hiking, antiquing, knitting, playing bridge, grandmothering twins, volunteering at museums at the city of Prescott, and taking OLLI classes.  Oh, ask her about her Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Maggie Mae, who Pam says rescued her!  

Continuing as Secretary is Bobbie Pastor. 

     She's there at the table with a friendly greeting and your name tag.  Her working years followed two years of junior college with a secretarial major.  She worked for Uniroyal Corp, then for  Laura Scudders, picking and packing potatoes chips. This production experience qualified her to apply to Kimberly Clark in Fullerton, Ca where she worked for 33 years and retired with a pension!
         Bobbie says she fell in love with the town square in 1991 when she went through Prescott on the way to Sedona. She moved to Prescott in 2004.
A few years ago she started teaching Beginning Mac SIGs.  (Special Interest Groups)  She is interested in creating photos and takes John Carter’s Digital SIG every month.  
        Bobbie is Vice-mum for her Red Hats chapter.  She is creating a free website just for the Diamond Chics. 
In her spare time she loves to garden and has a very high maintenance landscape.  She shares her life with a "special needs" Jack/Rat terrier named Archie.  Archie is totally blind and socially challenged, but in spite of his peccadilloes, he has volunteered to man the projector  during SIGs at Bobbie’s house.  

Continuing as Treasurer is David Passell. 
       He’s been in PMUG since 1997 and served as President twice, and he’s continuing now as Treasurer. 
Before retiring with his wife Betty in Prescott in 1996 he had some interesting positions.   
        He has a degree from USC in Telecommunications (TV and Radio production) and worked W56 as broadcast engineer/DJ for KUTE in Glendale, CA, then Chief Engineer for FM station WNCN in NYC.
      In 1961 he was telecommunications engineer at JPL (analyzing spacecraft data, writing reports, and writing FORTRAN programs). He did technical writing (IBM, Litton, Associated Writers, Conrac) retiring in 1996 from Ameritec, Duarte, CA.
      David’s Mac history goes back to Apple II in 1978, MAC portable in 1991, Mac TV  in 1995. Currently he has a MINI, an iMAC, and a G3. Latest is 1 TB Time Capsule, scrapped the G3. Has Apple IIc, PB 190CS, SE30, Mac M0001, inoperative (trans) Portable.  Old SW books/magazines (hoarder.)  "I should dust them off for show at a future meeting :)." 
       David is also a member of the PCS (Prescott Computer Society), Yavapai Amateur Radio Club (YARC), and does video recording for his church, and is a PWC volunteer.  Keeping busy is just normal for him. 