You can picture Jim Hamm as he grins, "This may come as a surprise to you -- it did to me: today is National Donut Day, at least according to the Business Insider, which kinda seems like it is the National Enquirer for business folks. First time I've ever looked at this newsletter, and thought I'd share this exciting news with you.
He shares some personal information, "Many years ago, when I was in the Army, I was stationed in Korea. Our platoon was stationed out in the 'boonies', and our highlight each week was when two gals, with an Army driver, would come to our location in a van and serve donuts to the guys. As I recall, this service was provided by the USO branch of the Army. We always looked forward to chatting with the gals and chomping on a couple of donuts."
This sweet holiday was established by the Salvation Salvation Army in 1938 to raise funds and honor the “lassies” as they called the female volunteers, who supported the soldiers on the front lines during World War 1. Here's more information in this article:
Jim signs off with, "Don't forget to rush out today and get a free donut, with a purchase of something else, of course."