Party Photos, click on each to enlarge!

  1. Group
  2. Jim Hamm, De Prez
  3. John and Mitch
  4. Tala and Jackie     
  5. Don and Art
  6. Kaye and Bob
  7. Elaine and Lynn
  8. Art and Jim
  9. Mary Beth, Jackie, Bobbie
  10. Elaine, Roger, Erica
  11. group
  12. group
  13. group
  14. Kaye, Dan,Roger, Bob, Art
  15. Jackie, John, David, Tala, Jim, Dan 


Thanks to Bobbie for her photos.  It turns out very tricky to add a bunch of photos with captions.  Anyone know how to do these layouts?  

Surely you want copies for your screen saver?