Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Password Protection

        Wondering about passwords, we queried David Passell.  Here's his take:
        "The password method I was speaking of finally bubbled to the surface. Of course MS Word, Open Office, and Pages allows you to password protect a single document, check HELP. However, I wanted to password protect a whole folder full of stuff. Like I would put it in Dropbox, but nobody else could see it (I don't know whether they could delete it though--something I don't like about Dropbox.)
        Anyway what I did was:
1. Start Disk Utility
2. Select FILE > disk image from folder
       • Window opens
3. Find the folder full of stuff you want to protect.
4. Click on it
       • A window opens and you will see the [folder name].dmg
5. If you click on the arrows to the right of "compressed" (the default) you will have choices, but you can leave it where it is.
6. Click on arrows to the right of "encryption" and you will be able to choose 128 bit or 256 bit encryption. 128 should be adequate.
7. Click SAVE button on the lower right of the window and you will see

8. Type in a password and then again to verify it. Note that as you type in your password a graph will tell you whether it is a strong or weak password. One punctuation mark seems sufficient to raise it from Fair to Good.
9. Now you will have a [folder name].dmg folder. You could put it in dropbox and nobody but you could open it.
10. To open the folder double-click it.
11. Enter the password and OK and if you didn't make a mistake (I usually do at least once) you will see

12. Now if you click on the disk drive symbol you can access what is there.
NOTE: If you did not uncheck "save in keychain" it will open on your own machine without typing in a password.
13. When you are through EJECT the drive symbol.
        Thanks, David, for your input.
