Possibly, an iPad Mini

        "Sending this link from PadGadget, Jim Hamm asks, "Could this rumor be true? What do you think: a good move for Apple or not? Zee just received her new 'mini' Kindle, and is it ever small and light, but has the same screen size as a regular Kindle. It is a pleasure to hold and read books on it. It is unbelievably thin and light. She has 363 books stored on it! Digital downloads is a market that will grow, in my opinion, and I think it would be smart for Apple to participate more fully in it by offering a lower-cost iPad.
        "I'm relatively new to the digital download world, but I've taken a liking to it, and enjoy the ease of getting books from the library and reading them on my iPad. I just downloaded a new book from the library this morning, and didn't have to budge from my easy chair to search for and get the book. Nice. An iPad Mini with a lighter weight is an intriguing thought for me."