Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

        We were all shocked to hear of the death of Steve Jobs. Opening to Google's homepage this morning under the search box is the simple notation: Steve Jobs 1955-2011.  Clicking on the name takes us to the Apple website where a photo of Steve is posted.
         Jim Hamm writes, Many articles are appearing about the passing of Steve Jobs. Several of them are listed on the website 'All Things D.'  Here is one by Walt Mossberg, tech writer for the Wall Street Journal, and his remembrances of Steve.
        Jim reminisces, "Zee and I were at the MacWorld Expo (San Francisco) in February, 2008, where Steve introduced the MacBook Air. I, of course, rushed home and ordered one. We didn't make it into the conference room where Steve gave the presentation, and didn't see his presentation in person, but we got to see it on a screen in the expo hall. With Steve's flair for a dramatic presentation, I'll never forget him pulling the MacBook Air out of a thin, interoffice mail envelope and showing it to the audience.
        Jim closes with, "I hope Steve's creative spirit lingers at Apple for a long time."
        No doubt, there'll be many tributes and remembrances. Here's a quotation from the president of The Heritage Foundation, Edwin J. Fuelner, "As for journalism and reading in general, we have now gone back to where we started: the biblical tablet. The elegant slab we take with us wherever we go can do the same for us and take us, no matter where we are, anywhere in the universe our imagination wants to visit.
        ". . .  this half-Arab boy who was given up for adoption at birth and went on to drop out of college was able to transform the lives of individuals across the world because he lived and worked in this country."
