Two More Problems

Another problem, or as we call it, a challenge! John Carter steps up with some enlightenment. "Another program that doesn't work is Smallimage2. It will not launch in Snow Leopard. So if you need to resize an image or lower the compression of a JPG file, use Preview. There are two kinds of Preview applications: the one that comes with the OS and the one that comes with PathFinder. Either one gets the same results. What you don't get is the ability to batch process a bunch of images unless you know how to write a script.

"If anyone knows of an application that will batch process images to resize them and that works in Snow Leopard, please post."

Then, in another email John tells us, "I just updated to OpenOffice 3.1.1. It has a major problem in Snow Leopard (reported by me). In Finder or PathFinder, right click on a document (any type, it seems) and open with OpenOffice. Crash!

"However, if I first launch OpenOffice and then start a blank text document, then close it without making any entries, I can then open any type document in OpenOffice. There is no other way to open an existing document with OpenOffice that I know of. This problem does not exist with NeoOffice!"