Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

What to Know About NeoOffice

        John Carter recommends NeoOffice.  He explains, "Here’s something good to know about NeoOffice:   NeoOffice includes the following open source software:

  • and Apache OpenOffice
  • LibreOffice
  • Akua icons
  • NeoOffice icons and images
  • Minizip
  • Mac remote control
  • The main difference between NeoOffice and OpenOffice or LibreOffice is that NeoOffice is built specifically for the Mac.
  • Another main difference is that NeoOffice launches MUCH faster than LibreOffice.
Here are features in NeoOffice that are not found in OpenOffice or LibreOffice:
NeoOffice :: Open at Launch menu to open Calc or Impress instead of Writer at launch
  • File :: Browse All Versions menu to restore previous versions of your documents
  • Native file locking to safely edit files in iCloud Drive, Dropbox, or network drives
  • Native Mac OS X grammar checking
  • Native Mac OS X text highlighting
  • Support for Mac OS X Services
  • Native floating tool windows
  • Menus open when no documents are open
  • Command-clicking on window titlebar
(Go to to get details on those features.)
        "NeoOffice can be freely copied. However, it is only available in the Apple App Store for download, and that copy you have to pay for. Hence, a copy of NeoOffice installed on another computer can only be updated from the App Store, and that would require the original owner’s Apple ID and password.
        "The developers of NeoOffice believe that they have produced a more stable and secure version of LibreOffice or OpenOffice.
       "Hence, NeoOffice is much more impressive as a tool than either OpenOffice or LibreOffice. A document written with NeoOffice will open in MS Office, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice. However, when opened in MS Office the formatting may change. My personal experience with all four products convinces me that NeoOffice is the best way to go for a Mac user.
        Thanks to John we know a lot more than we did at the beginning of his report.