Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

What's Happening

         Get the idea that your hour-long TV news program has not covered all the world news that’s happening?  They’ve put in some cutesy pieces to lighten up the otherwise bad news from here and there?  The Internet to the rescue!
        Go to  and you’ll see this.  (Click to enlarge, click again to return to this view.) 

It’s interesting to see their take on news happening in other nations of the world. It’s even interesting to see the ads on their websites!   
        See the latest Apple news?    And at the bottom of that page see Recent Press Releases.  There’s a link to the side to click for iTunes Movie Trailers.  When you click on the little RSS button it takes you to NetNewsWire so you can keep informed, along with the other sites you want to keep current.  
        How are the 400+ Apple stores doing?  Scroll through the list of the states for the city you want to check out.  On the right side near the top choose a country or region:  16 nations have Apple stores.  The largest store in the world is in Amsterdam, according to Wikipedia. The first glass staircase got design patent in 2002 in the U.S. 

        What’s the government up to now? The US Government’s official web portal.  Click to contact Federal Government Agencies;  State. Local, & Tribal Governments; or Contact Elected Officials -- from President to local elected officials. You can subscribe to e-mail updates.  

        Look here for lots of news  This site has worldwide news in English, along with 15 in “Europe - Original Language.”  There’s Miscellaneous News with listings of News Aggregators and Blogs, News Podcasts:  BBC, CNN, Guardian, Financial Times, NPR, and Voice of America.  Under Minorities: 4 links, even Children’s News with 4 links, Good News with 3 links.

        Foreign nations’ links: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.  At the bottom is a list of 7 Newspaper Archives’ links.
       Here at   lists the US newspapers by states.  Then scroll down to their listings of world newspapers by area, then 63 national news sites (The Arizona Republic link is on this list),  and 24 Worldwide News Sites.
         In closing:  what about the weather?  You can scroll clear around the globe, and way up and way down.,-112.293999&zoom=5  Choose Weather Stations view, Radar, or Satellite views.  Fascinating!  
        Keep learning:  it’s fun, it’s productive, it’s Mac! See you at the next PMUG meeting.  Bring a friend! 
        This was today's handout at the June PMUG meeting,  by Elaine Hardt.