Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

What's the Apple News?

This morning’s Google News sends us scurrying for more information. Stories on the Fall 09 iMac 27 inch computer problems and delays brought us to this report at AppleInsider. Two other headlines jumped out: “Tablet rumors: February production start, 10-inch LCD screen” and “Apple offers free taste of iTunes LP format with ‘Holiday Sampler.” In red headlines, “Black Friday Deals Extended" takes us to a price comparison chart.  It's interesting to see what's up with our favorite Apple products.  And now, John Carter finds a nifty app for iPhone.  Take a look . . .

"If you’ve ever spent too much time composing an email on your iPhone’s tiny keyboard you are going to LOVE this! Dragon Dictation is an amazing, free, dictation app for your iPhone.

"Just launch the app, press the record button, and start talking. You can dictate anything from a short note to a longer soliloquy. Once the text is transcribed, you can send it as an email, text message, or copy to the clipboard. Clean up some missed words and add punctuation, and you are set!

"Link: Dragon Dictation at App Store   (Do take serious note of the complaints, however, which warn of security and privacy issues.)

"The accuracy of the speech-to-text conversion is amazing. There are typically a few errors, but they are easy to fix.

"Tip: You can add punctuation to your text by saying ‘period’, ‘question mark’, or ‘exclamation mark’ as you talk. It’s a nice touch."  (Double click to enlarge.)
