Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Office 2008 for Mac, in the fine print

The 9-23-09 ZDNet article by Ed Bott raises David Passell’s eyebrows. See what you think. Bott writes, “I have a copy of Office 2008 for Mac, Home and Student Edition. It has the programs I need (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Entourage), but the license (PDF) specifically prohibits 'use in any commercial, non-profit or revenue-generating business activities.' I have no ethical qualms using this edition for short-term evaluation purposes but will need to replace it with a copy of Office 2008 for Mac Business Edition eventually. That will cost about $200.”

This article goes on to compare various features of Snow Leopard with Windows. Anyone else reading the fine print?


Ideas for Apps?

In Sunday's Arizona Republic there was an article about a nifty new app for the iPhone/iPod Touch that caught David Passell's attention. He writes "though I'm not a fan of telephones, in general, that almost made me want to get one. I need something like the application described." The story goes on to tell about a group of developers in Phoenix starting the Phoenix iPhone Developer Group, nicknamed "Pi," to bounce ideas around for possible new apps. David wonders if some programmers in PMUG could do something with this idea.


Sugar on a Stick

Sugar? It's a learning platform that reinvents how computers are used for education for needy kids around the world. David Passell got involved in December 2007. He invested in a program called "Give One, Get One. " Hatched by MIT Guru, Nicholas Negroponte, the goal was to mass produce a small computer called the XO for $100.00 and distribute to classrooms.

Kids in Peru are pictured here using the computer, thanks to "Sugar," the free and open source software from OLPC (One Laptop Per Child).

They welcome donation of used USB sticks. Here you can read about Sugar Labs. Originally to run on almost any PC, it is now packaged as part of most major GNU/Linux distributions and is compatible with recent Macs.

FLOSS Manuals are responsible for the graphic design, editing, etc. More about OLPC is here. Activities the developers are working on are listed on this site. They welcome contributions, volunteers for designing, developing, fixing bugs, etc. Here's more.
David has actively participated in writing of FLOSS Manuals, and updating his own XOs. (Here it gets complicated with Python, Opera browser vs. Firefox, and tax deductible info.) For a summary of the project see this Wired Magazine article (6-19-09).
Want to know more? Corner David at a PMUG meeting; there's a lot more to tell.

FREE Photoshop, Photography & Web Classes

John Carter sends great news about free classes. "For those of you with time on your hands between 11 AM and 1 PM, Creative Techs is offering FREE ONLINE courses on Digital Photography, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Lightroom. The course is available using a combination of GoToWebinar and TinyChat. GoToWebinar is where the lessons take place and TinyChat is where you can interact with other students and the instructors." Here's the site for details and info on creative, business, marketing clips along with recent tips.


Using G-3 PowerBook?

Member Sam Jacobs writes, "Does anyone presently in the MAC Users Group still use the old G-3 powerbook? I know that this system is quite old but it is still functional and I know that someone may still use one of these old units. I have a scanner, a label maker, Epson printer and other hard drives etc. Before just throwing it out, I thought that Iwould ask you if anyone is still using this old machine. Since they are not USB connected, I don't know if there is a converter from the old circular connection that would convert the round to a make it work with USB???
Thank you, Sam M. Jacobs (Click on his name to email Sam.)


Free Old Macs

This just in: David Passell informs us, "I was a Computime yesterday (08/27/09) and they have five G4 Macs and three very old iMACS (no firewire and difficult memory and HD change). They also have the old blue-white monitors; very large and heavy. They were from a school.

"The G4s may not have RAM. The name plate states 400MHz, 128 MB sdram, 10GB HD/Zip/DVD. Copyright 2000. They have 2 firewire and two USB (probably 1.1) ports plus VGA.

"They will give them away to anyone who is interested. I only had room for a usb mac keyboard:). I think they have several of those too. There is another party who recycles PCs who is interested in them only for their HDs."


What's Happening With Microsoft Word?

The headlines (August 12, 2009) grab our attention. "Texas Judge Rules Microsoft Can't Sell Word Anymore." This article goes on to explain, "Microsoft Word's XML systems violate patents by Toronto-based i4i Inc. Word uses XML in reading and writing XML, DOCX, and DOCM files. The lawsuit alleges that MS violated i4i's 1998 XML patent #5,787,449. The injunction will go into effect in 60 days and prevent Microsoft from selling or demonstrating Microsoft Word. MS will have to pay i4i about $290 million in damages."

"Wow!" exclaims Jim Hamm. "Wonder why this patent violation took over 10 years for i4i Inc. to recognize and file suit, or maybe it's been working in the court system for 10 years. I presume MS will appeal this decision. In a decision like this, I wonder if retailers that have MS Word in stock can continue to sell the product until they run out?"

Here is one pertinent article, "i4i says it's 'not out to destroy' Microsoft Word."

Another article headlines, "Court Ban on Microsoft Word Won't Hurt Users."

This is i4i's own website here.


More On NetNewsWire

Wondered why NetNewsWire doesn't give you a "new content" bullet? Art Gorski gives us this info. "If you use NetNewsWire as your RSS newsreader (instead of Apple's Mail or Safari), and you 'subscribe' to the PMUG website, you will have probably noticed that you don't get a 'new content' bullet when something changes on the website. But if you just select the feed you can see the dates when each website page was last updated, which is almost as good." (Double click on the illustration to see this example.)

Here De Prez Allen Laudenslager checks in to the discussion: "It must be a setting thing. I use NetNewsWire and get a new post bullet for our blog! I use the default settings and mine works exactly the same for the PMUG blog as for all the other feeds."
Anybody else want to help shed some light here?

Considering NetNewsWire

Here's an article by Rob Griffiths explaining that he doesn't like the coming changes to NetNewsWire. Jim Hamm has this to say, "I presently use and appreciate the features of NetNewsWire, but don't use Google Reader nor do I try to sync my two Macs through or with NetNewsWire. I don't think I'll mind the advertising--businesses have to make money some way."
If you use NetNewsWire, any thoughts--pro or con--on this coming change?


Changes Affecting Us

Changes will affect those of us who use NetNewsWire, according to a short note from Art Gorski. He says,"Many of us use NetNewsWire to aggregate RSS feeds and get our daily news. Unfortunately, version 3.2, now in beta test, will remove MobileMe syncing (useful for those with more than one Mac) and add advertising to the program unless you pay to not display ads. For those reasons I'm not going to upgrade from 3.1.6, and I recommend you don't either."


What's Happening to Skype?

If you're a user of Skype you'll want to keep informed. De Prez Allen Laudenslager alerts us:

VoIP provider Skype is in serious jeopardy, eBay warned in a regulatory filing this week, saying its future depends on a court battle over rights to the company's core components and its own software-development efforts to replace the technology. The issue derives from a claim by Joltid, a company owned by the founders of Skype, that eBay has infringed on its patents after revoking the company's license. New York Times, (07/30) from Enter "Skype" in the search box.

A longer article at (scroll down to Skype Founders) goes into more detail.

Allen says, “eBay bought Skype but only licenses the core technology that makes it work. Now eBay and Skype are in court (in England) over the licensing issues. Without the core tech, eBay will have to close down Skype - a real loss for those of us that use it - and write off the 2.6 BILLION they paid for it." He concludes, “There are an estimated 40 million active users.”


More People Prefer Mac

Interesting commentary on PCs and Mac. De Prez Allen Laudenslager tells us he found this on the Daring Fireball blog

"Microsoft has lost all but a sliver of this entire market. People who love computers overwhelmingly prefer to use a Mac today. Microsoft’s core problem is that they have lost the hearts of computer enthusiasts. Regular people don’t think about their choice of computer platform in detail and with passion like nerds do because, duh, they are not nerds. But nerds are leading indicators.

"This is true in many markets with broad appeal, not just computers. Microsoft is looking ever more so like the digital equivalent of General Motors. Car enthusiasts lost interest in GM’s cars long before regular people did; the same is happening with Windows."

P.S. from Elaine. If you, like me, have trouble reading white print on a dark colored background remember you can toggle to white background and dark letters by doing the combination of Control + Option + Command + 8. When you're done, do it again to toggle back to normal.

Mac for Sale

Bill Williamson writes that he's got a Mac for sale. Take a look:
"Believe it or not, we are running out of space on our lower floor. I will have to get rid of one of my Macs and the entire set up. A moving van is coming this weekend with lots more 'stuff' for our lower floor so I’m offering someone 'a chance of a lifetime' deal. All of the items in the package below will be sold to the highest bidder by this Friday providing they will pick it up by noon this Saturday, July 18th."
A Package Deal to the highest bidder:
Mac Power PC, OS 9.1, CD player, floppy disk and zip internal drives.
LaCie 10 GB external HD
Keyboard, Kensington Track Ball
Sony Multiscan 400 PS 19” CRT Display
LaserWriter Select
Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Kaleidagraph 3.0
MS Basic
MacDraw Pro
MathType 3.5
MS Office 2001
Painter 5.0
Quicken Delux 2002
Write Now 3.0
Bill Williamson, 374 Summit Pointe Dr., Prescott, Ph. 928-708-0843


Mac Available in Library

Jim Hamm, De Previous Prez writes, "Here's an update on a new program at the Prescott Public Library entitled: 'Make the Most of Your Mac.' They have brochures at the front desk and a system in place to add Mac mentoring to their computer mentoring program. I've been working with the Library for them to purchase a Mac and to get this mentoring program in place. The Library has purchased a new MacBook Pro with the 13" screen. Initially, this Mac is available for use in our 'Beginning Mac' classes, and for use in the mentoring program. Later, it may be available for patrons of the Library to check out and use while they're in the Library. I'm very appreciative that the Library was willing to show this support for Mac users."

He goes on to explain, "Library patrons can sign up for mentoring on a Mac at the Library's front desk, or by calling 777-1526. The sessions are 1 to 2 hours duration, and may be repeated as often as requested. I'm doing the Mac mentoring as a volunteer at the Library. I'll bring a brochure to the PMUG meeting Saturday, and if you're in the Library stop by the front desk where they have a rack of the brochures and take a look.

"We sure are fortunate to have such a nice Library in Prescott--so supportive of the community with free meeting rooms available, wi-fi and internet access, computers for use, a computer mentoring program, and now a Mac. Let's remember this when it comes time for our annual financial contribution to the Prescott Public Library," and Jim ends with a grin and, "See you Saturday."


Happy Listeners

Bobbie Pastor captured these images of the happy listeners at our June meeting in the Library. I've added her additional photo to our sidebar. Thanks, Bobbie.

Were you there? See yourself?

If you missed this time, be sure and catch the next PMUG meeting. Catch up with what others are doing to enhance their computer experience. Share what you've discovered.
How about volunteering to do a demo or give a full presentation to PMUG sometime? We appreciate the help we get from each other, as well as help we gain from hearing outside speakers.


Basic Mac SIG Begins May 8

Mark your calendar: May 8, 15, 22, 29. Bobbie Pastor will teach Basic Mac SIG (Special Interest Group). It's scheduled for 9:30 to 12 noon, Prescott Public Library in Founders Room B. Subscribe to iCal so these meetings will automatically be shown on your computer: webcal:// Bobbie will be using "Teach Yourself Visually Mac OS X Leopard" by Lynette Kent. Barnes and Noble has it, and Amazon has it for $19.79. Need more info?


Jim's Teaching and Bobbie Will, Too

Along with the new SIG photo posted on the sidebar De Prez Jim Hamm explains, "I've been teaching Beginning Mac SIGs (Special Interest Group) classes at the Prescott Public Library, and here is a picture from the class yesterday. I try to hold a class each week, and the session lasts two hours. We usually have around 20 people in the class, and focus on the basics of using a Mac and OS X. It's free to members of PMUG (Prescott Mac User Group), and the attendees are appreciative of learning how to use their Mac. For some, this is the first time they've used a computer of any kind.

"That's my MacBook Air in the lower right corner, which I use to display whatever is on my computer screen onto a screen on the wall. The past two sessions we've been having fun 'surfing Safari,' the web browser for the Mac."

In May Bobbie Pastor will teach the Beginners' SIG, using the book, "Teach Yourself Visually" as outline for the sessions. She promises to "go at a slow pace" and hopes to hear from those who'd like to attend so she can schedule the meeting room. Email her soon:
