We're reminded to check out the Prescott Mac User Group website, www.pmug.us for all sorts of good info. John Carter wants to sell a used 20" iMac, and it will be listed there real soon. You'll find the list of features under that heading of Benefits: "Member For Sale Items." (You'll also find some helpful articles written by John in Benefits under "Tips 'n' Tricks." And he's written some "Software, Hardware, and Book Reviews" under the heading of Reviews.)
Of course, you'll want to check out the PMUG Calendar because that's how you find out that instead of meeting from 10 am to 12 on 1-17, the meeting will be from 1pm to 3.
Calendar Tip
"I just solved a problem with a Mac user who was having problems with her Calendar on the iPad," John Carter informs us. " Every calendar entry suddenly disappeared, but it was all there on her laptop. Every trick I knew was tried to no avail. Ultimately, there was only one trick left. The solution was to delete the iCloud account on the iPad and then recreate it. This deleted all iCloud related information on the iPad when the account was deleted, but it came back again once she signed back on to iCloud on the iPad. I am sure the same applies to laptops and desktops.
Calendar Tutorial
Speaking of more to learn . . . "Here's a very good tutorial on using the Calendar application in Mountain Lion," Prez Art Gorski points out. Take a look here http://www.macworld.com/article/2035492/introduction-to-calendar.html#tk.rss_all
December's Meeting on the 15th
If you have your computer's Calendar subscribed to the PMUG calendar you're already anticipating our December 15 meeting from 10-12 am at the Prescott Public Library in the Founders Room downstairs. The theme is "Genius Bar" and you're invited to submit your questions ahead of time. Anyway, be sure to come.
In the meantime, while our Prescott Mac User Group website is undergoing changes you'll want to check this blogspot site for info.
View the Calendar
Click and hold down with your cursor on the Calendar in your Dock. You get 3 choices: Quit, Hide, Options. Options gives you the choice to Open at Login. This is a handy way to quickly view the month each morning when you turn the computer on. It’s a reminder about all those family birthdays you’ve entered, along with SIGs upcoming from Bobbie Pastor and John Carter. (You did update the Calendar, didn't you?)