
December's Meeting on the 15th

        If you have your computer's Calendar subscribed to the PMUG calendar you're already anticipating our December 15 meeting from 10-12 am at the Prescott Public Library in the Founders Room downstairs.  The theme is "Genius Bar" and you're invited to submit your questions ahead of time.  Anyway, be sure to come.
     In the meantime, while our Prescott Mac User Group website is undergoing changes you'll want to check this blogspot site for info.

Be Sure to Subscribe

Our secretary Bobbie Pastor keeps our PMUG calendar up-to-date.  Click to subscribe and enjoy how handy it is to see the PMUG events listed on your iCal. If you have previously subscribed you'll need to delete the old calendar and then subscribe to the new one.  Go to iCal, delete the PMUG calendar, then uncheck "Remove" items.  Check to Auto-Refresh "Every Day."

Edit Your Google Calendar From iCal

Art Gorski passes along helpful information, "Apple's iCal has long had the ability to subscribe to publicly shared Google Calendars, allowing you to view these calendars in iCal. This still required the owner to login to Google to edit these calendars. The Snow Leopard version of iCal has added the ability to sync with Google Calendars, allowing the owner to edit these calendars in iCal and having the changes automatically sent to the Google Calendar. To do this, select the menu iCal > Preferences and click on the Accounts tab. Next, click on the '+' button at the bottom of the window to add a new account. Enter your Google Email address and password credentials, select 'Google' from the pulldown menu, and click the Create button. Under the 'Delegation' tab you can specify which of your Google calendars you want to appear in iCal."

New iCal URL for PMUG calendar.

STAY TUNED! There is something wrong with the URL provided here.
An update will come when the problem is corrected. - John Carter
The iCal subscription to the PMUG iCal events has changed. The new URL is:
The following 'tutorial' is intended to help in updating the PMUG URL for iCal:

1. Open iCal.
2. Select any one of the PMUG calendar events.
3. In the Menu Bar, select 'Calendar', then select 'Change URL..."
4. A pop-up window appears showing the current URL for that event.
5. Paste the new iCal URL over the current URL.
6. All calendar events for PMUG will automatically update.
1. Open iCal
2. Right click on the PMUG subscription entry in the left panel
3. Select 'Change URL...'
4. A pop-up window appears showing the current URL for that subscription.
5. Paste the new iCal URL over the current URL.
6. All calendar events for PMUG will automatically update.
If you do not have a PMUG iCal subscription:
1. Open iCal
2. Right click in a blank spot in the left panel
3. In the pop-up menu, select 'Subscribe...'
4. Paste the iCal URL in the new pop-up window.
5. All calendar events for PMUG will automatically appear.
6. Rename the new subscription and/or change the color (if you like) by right-clicking on the subscription name and selecting 'Get Info'.