Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Awarding Certificates for 2012 to . . .

       Picture four blue-bordered certificates printed with fancy fonts.  Each is a "Certificate for Contributions to PMUG in 2012," and were to be officially handed out at our December meeting today.  Now, they'll be given out by Prez Art Gorski at the January meeting.
        Let's hear a drum roll and applause for the following.  Number 4 is David Passell who sent in 17 articles for this newsblog.  Number 3 is Art Gorski who sent in 24 articles.  Number 2 is John Carter who sent in 71 articles.  And, guess who is #1.  That's Jim Hamm who contributed 189 !!!! articles during 2012.
       Others who sent in several, or at least one apiece: Allen Laudenslager, Amy Snyder, Ward Stanke, Ginger Carlson, Bobbie Pastor, Howard LaPittus, Bob Hale who is a former Prez, Martyn Arnold, and Mary Ann Clark. 
     Obviously, this newsblog exists to share info.  Thanks to everyone who contributes, and thanks to everyone who reads this blog.  Pass the URL along to your friends, Mac & PC alike.  Learning to do new things can be challenging and fun!


Report on Jim's Speech

        Could have titled this, "Jim Hams It Up," but with second thoughts a new title was chosen.  A Previous Prez,  Jim Hamm spoke at a computer club meeting in Phoenix.  Here's his report:

       "Hi . . . Here's a mug shot of me at the Great Wall restaurant yesterday in Phoenix. A group (nine) of us — including Zee and son-in-law Scott —  from the meeting were eating lunch after I had given a presentation on WiFi at a computer club meeting. A friend was wearing the hat I have on. I said I liked his hat and he said to try it on. I did, and he took my picture. I'm gonna order a couple of these hats today from Haband. The hat is light-weight and comfortable to wear. He made me give his hat back. Darn!

        "The WiFi presentation seemed to go well. I wasn't booed off stage, and I managed to dodge the few tomatoes that were thrown. I asked Zee if she was going to the meeting with me because she wanted to hear my presentation. She said no — but she sure liked going to lunch at the Great Wall afterwards. She said she'd suffer through my presentation because she knew there was a reward afterwards. . . (grin). . .   
        "The Great Wall — at 35th Avenue and Camelback — is a real Chinese restaurant. All the help is Chinese, the papers in the lobby are in Chinese, and most of the patrons were Chinese — except for a table of us 'Gringoes.' The food is very good. One of the people from the club is Chinese and he orders the food for all of us. Dishes are brought out family-style and set on a Lazy Susan. Both Zee and I especially like the 'Lemon Fish' — but all the food is great. Yum! A real surprise at the end of the meal. Normally the bill is divided among attendees and we all pay our share. For some reason, Walt — the Chinese fellow — picked up the tab for all of us. Very nice of him to do so. Walt is 80 and fun to chat with. 
        Here Jim winds it up in his own style, "This particular computer club is a Senior SIG (Special Interest Group) and most of us — son-in-law excepted — are, ahem, of the more advanced vintage...(grin). . . I was surprised to see Scott walk into the meeting — young fellow that he is. I didn't ask him if he was there because of my talk or because of lunch afterwards at the Great Wall. Some things are better left unasked."

Can You Help?

        De Prez Howard LaPittus, sends us this announcement, "New Chairperson To Be Added."  He describes this opportunity which awaits one of our PMUG members.
        "We are going to vote for a new Chairperson who will be in charge of Public Relations. This person will be responsible for newspaper announcements, application for membership brochure distribution, radio announcements, surveys, etc. No experience necessary. If you would like to be considered for this great, new fun experience please let me know.  I will support this person with guidance, details of responsibilities, goals and objectives. If you are interested or know someone who'd be willing to serve as a Board member in this position please email Howard LaPittus."
