Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.


Recognition for the Top Four in 2013

Our PMUG members are a talented bunch,
   Each one with some claim to fame,
But there are other determined people
   Who we will soon mention by name. 

These are members who can’t keep still,
   They find out something new to say;
They email Elaine with newsletter info,
   Keeping her busy most every day.

They read, and try something, and learn!
   They can’t keep quiet! They want to share!
We celebrate these determined souls;
   We are glad they are the kind who care!

When you go to the Newsletter Blog 
   These are the names you’ve seen the most;
Because of this they care and share,
   Today it is our turn to boast:

Here are the Top Four: 
Jim Hamm, submitted 175 posts 
John Carter, with 40
Art Gorski, with 28
David Passell, with 25 

Others who submitted posts to the newsblog in 2013 were
Mary Ann Clark, Bobbie Pastor, Ward Stanke, Ginger Carlson.

                Starting in 2008 with 70 entries, here’s how helpful members have been: 

2009 = 307;     2010 = 378   2011 = 339;  
2012 = 390;      2013 there were 326 postings. 

                 The total so far is 1,810.  So, you see we are a group of thinkers and doers! 

Hope you find useful help from the blog:
            With our great appreciation, 
Art Gorski, PMUG President
January 18, 2014 

Awarding Certificates for 2012 to . . .

       Picture four blue-bordered certificates printed with fancy fonts.  Each is a "Certificate for Contributions to PMUG in 2012," and were to be officially handed out at our December meeting today.  Now, they'll be given out by Prez Art Gorski at the January meeting.
        Let's hear a drum roll and applause for the following.  Number 4 is David Passell who sent in 17 articles for this newsblog.  Number 3 is Art Gorski who sent in 24 articles.  Number 2 is John Carter who sent in 71 articles.  And, guess who is #1.  That's Jim Hamm who contributed 189 !!!! articles during 2012.
       Others who sent in several, or at least one apiece: Allen Laudenslager, Amy Snyder, Ward Stanke, Ginger Carlson, Bobbie Pastor, Howard LaPittus, Bob Hale who is a former Prez, Martyn Arnold, and Mary Ann Clark. 
     Obviously, this newsblog exists to share info.  Thanks to everyone who contributes, and thanks to everyone who reads this blog.  Pass the URL along to your friends, Mac & PC alike.  Learning to do new things can be challenging and fun!


Special Recognition from PMUG

        At today's PMUG meeting three helpful members received a Certificate of Recognition for being the top contributors to this Newsletter for the year 2011.  Third place = David Passell.  Second place = John Carter.  And ..... drum roll, please .........  First place =  Jim Hamm.
        Other members who contributed info for this Newsletter during 2011 deserve mention, too.  Give a big smile to Art Gorski, Allen Laudenslager, Bobbie Pastor, Ward Stanke, Bill Williamson, Howard LaPittus, Zee Hamm, Sandra Garramore, and Ginger Carlson.
        The reason why many local Mac users join PMUG is because it's practical and interesting!  Prez Art Gorski voices his appreciation to all who take part.  And we look forward to a great year in 2012.  See you in January!
