What's the speed of your Internet connection? Art Gorski sends us an interesting tidbit this morning.
"I discovered this weekend that Cableone has increased their cable modem speeds. This is a stealth upgrade. They will not increase your speed unless you call them (928-445-4511). My 3Mbps cable modem is now 5Mbps at the same cost. Don't look at what folks in the Big City get or you will be depressed, but it's a positive move for those of us in the Sticks."
You can run a test, "How Fat is Your Pipe?" at http://www.digitallanding.com/high-speed-internet/section_display.cfm/section_id/20?gclid=CKjCisCJq5sCFRYiagodCil3DA to arrive at your Internet download and upload speeds, bandwidth, VoIP test, and a comparison chart of broadband services.
Then you might want to see if there are any upgrades in your area. If you're an "old" subscriber there may be improvements now available.