Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

PMUG's New Officers

Congratulations to these esteemed PMUG members who've agreed to serve as our new officers. Here is a very brief introduction. Obviously, each has more of a story to tell, but we've limited them to only 100 words! Introduce yourself, ask questions, and you'll be pleased with their backgrounds, Mac experience, hobbies, travels, and all-around personalities.

PRESIDENT ALLEN LAUDENSLAGER: Allen is a semi-retired technical writer who switched to a Mac from PCs just about 2 years ago. His background with computers began in 1963 with a room sized Univac III. The first computer he owned was built from a kit in 1979 his experience spans operating systems including CPM, DOS, and Unix. In addition to starting his year as the PMUG president, Allen is the outgoing president of the Ponderosa Park Association (a neighborhood lead here in the Prescott area) and is on the Prescott Sailing Club safety committee. Allen is currently building a 16-foot wooden sailboat.

VICE PRESIDENT BILL WILLIAMSON: Bill has used an impressive variety of computers throughout his career: a CDC mainframe in 1957, followed by 10 different IBM models, on to Cray supercomputers, then in the late 70’s to PC’s and finally Macs. With a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, he taught graduate courses, wrote for 100 - 200 professional publications and gave presentations, and also directed research, garnering Fulbright, Outstanding Research, etc. awards. He was consultant to Sandia Labs for about 10 years. Retired in 1997, Bill moved to Prescott where he’s been president of Archaeology Society, Prescott Outings Club, and active in Monday Night Bluegrass.

SECRETARY BOBBIE PASTOR: After earning her Secretarial major in college Bobbie started at UniRoyal Rubber Company in Santa Ana, California where she did clerical work. From there she worked for Laura Scudders, then Kimberly Clark, retiring thirty-three years later. In 2003, Bobbie retired at 58 ½, sold her house in Placentia and headed to Prescott, AZ. Here she found the Mac User Group, and was “roped into being Secretary” in 2006. She keeps the books, sends out notices, takes minutes, keeps attendance and has possession of the PMUG computer, projector and files for the club. Now she also holds SIGs for beginners.

TREASURER DAVID PASSELL: David’s degree is from USC in Telecommunications (TV and Radio production) W56 as broadcast engineer/DJ for KUTE in Glendale, CA, then Chief Engineer for FM station WNCN in NYC. In 1961 he was Telecommunications Engineer at JPL (analyzing spacecraft data, writing reports, and writing FORTRAN programs). He did Technical Writing (IBM, Litton, Associated Writers, Conrac) retiring in 1996 from Ameritec, Duarte, CA.
Betty and David came to Prescott in 1996. His Mac history: Apple II - 1978, MAC portable - 1991, Mac TV - 1995. Currently he has MINI, iMAC, and a G3. In PMUG since 1997, he’s been President twice and continues as Treasurer.

See what I mean? You'll need to get acquainted with each of these nice people.
