Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Free Phone Calls

        Free!  Did that get your attention?  Jim Hamm explains, "I sent out an email some time ago on this subject, but I was just helping a friend get started with Google's call phone service so I thought I'd send this info out again in case you'd want to try it.
        "If you have a Google Gmail email account (it is free if you want to get one) you can call, for free, people anywhere in the U.S. using Google's Call Phone service. Here is the link to more information.
        "This can save you money by not paying for long distance calls on your house phone or save you minutes on the use of your cell phone. Voice clarity is as good as talking on a regular phone or cell phone. You just log into your Gmail account, click the 'Call Phone' link on the lower left side of the screen. A dial pad opens, and you use the cursor to enter the phone number and then click call. Also, a plugin is available for download if you would want to video chat as well. International calls can be made as well, but for a fee.
        "If you or someone in your family calls long distance a lot, this may be worth looking into. Actually, since it's free, there's no downside to giving it a try. Well, maybe one downside: the call shows as originating in California, not from your regular number."
