Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Make Your Mac Go Faster

        When you say, "faster" what do you mean? What is faster?  Both Allen and Harry are here to help!
        Allen Laudenslager refers us to an article from Mac360  which "gives an easy to understand overview of which areas of Mac performance affect how fast your Mac feels and looks.
        "It also reviews a product called SpeedUp and reports that any speed gains are negligible and in fact all the stuff it does can be done with freeware from other sources. Mac360's opinion is save the $40 bucks."
        Check out their list of 6 ways to make Mac go faster.
        Harry Morel sends this info from Popular Science, August 2009, page 68, "On a Mac, go to System Preferences/Accounts, and disable the culprits under the Login Items tab. To tidy a particularly congested OS X, download OnyX, which clears unnecessary data your browser has saved to the hard drive and performs other system-maintenance tasks. Finally, if your computer has less than two gigs of RAM, consider buying more. That will speed everything up."
