Here Comes Mavericks and iOS 7

          John Carter's keeping up with the latest news!  "Apple announced the newest OS X (Mavericks) and iOS 7 to be available this fall. I expect both releases will be available by late October.

        "The changes in Mavericks and iOS 7 are enough to warrant a thorough review, and many reviews will be available online immediately after the release, if not before (from some developers). However, I will be upgrading as soon as they are released and putting together a presentation to be offered (hopefully) at the November PMUG meeting.
        "There is hope that iOS 7 can be Jailbroken to allow the iPhone to work as a Wi-Fi hotspot for an iPad, as well as allowing thousands of non-Apple approved apps to be installed. I will be working on this as well."
        Here, Prez Art Gorski jumps in with this piece of good news,  "You can already do this without jailbreaking on Verizon."
        But this is what John Carter has to say, "For a fee from Verizon.  I want to do it for FREE!"
        So, what will the outcome be?  Stay tuned for further information . . .