Next meeting: April 12, 2025, 10 am.
LOCATION CHANGE: Yavapai College, Building 31, Room 101. Click for more information.

Ways to Find It

(If you missed PMUG meeting on 3-20 this is one of the handouts)

Trying to find something you wrote or something you filed? Several simple solutions are at your side, just see which applies for your particular needs.

When you click on Finder in your Dock notice that under Devices and Places there’s a triangle next to Search For. Click under Today, Yesterday, or Past Week.

When the window comes up notice that the tool bar gives 4 choices for View. First is by Icons.

The second choice is List view. Here you can click Date Modified and things arrange from first to last, or last to first date. Click on Name and they come up in alphabetical order, either A to Z or Z to A.

The third view shows Columns and expands to the right side as you open something from one folder to another. Note the two short lines. Double click to expand the width of the open column.

The fourth choice of View opens Cover Flow. Try it out and see what comes up!

Then click on Action and note your options here. Could be useful, yes?

Go to the menu bar at the top of your screen. Under File find Label. There are 7 colors and X which reverts back to no color at all. You could assign a certain color for documents or a folders. Here you invent a system to help find things.

You can also do Command + space bar to quickly open the Spotlight for Search. A few key words will help you automatically find that document, email, or folder you want.

To find a word inside a document do Command + F and type in the word. It will be highlighted throughout the document you have open.

With your Mac you can find things!
