A precautionary word of advice comes from Jim Hamm, "Here's an article with suggestions to wait before updating to iOS 7 on certain devices. Certainly something to think about and consider. No harm in waiting and see what the blogs have to say about the update." http://osxdaily.com/2013/09/16/wait-before-updating-these-to-ios-7/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+osxdaily+%28OS+X+Daily%29
Ten New Feature of iOS 7
From his iPad Jim Hamm passes along this, "Here is a succinct summary of major features coming in iOS 7. Check out this article from USA TODAY: iOS 7: 10 brand-new features," http://usat.ly/1eDCct7
Apple's Announcements Today
Today was the big day. Take a look at the latest here: http://www.apple.com and see keynote, and look here for two entries posted today: http://www.apple.com/hotnews/
Prez Art Gorski sends along this link http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/apples-overhauled-ios-7-is-coming-september-18-to-an-idevice-near-you/ , with his comment, "In just over a week, your iPad or iPhone will have a software update to iOS 7. This will be a total makeover, changing the look of just about everything, and adding some new features. It will take a little time to get used to it all, and hopefully Apple will provide some tutorials for users."
Anticipating iOS 7
"Here is an article from a MacWorld writer discussing ten things she's happy about in the upcoming iOS 7 update for your iPhone. Maybe some of these will be helpful for you as well," is Jim Hamm's first comment of the day.
Comparing iOS7 to iOS6
Sent from his iPad, Jim Hamm sends this link: "Here is a comparison of the icons in iOS 7 vs iOS 6, which we're using now. I'm not impressed with the change. The new icons seem washed out to me. I don't really see any improvement or any reason for the change. I guess Apple felt like they should do something if they are upgrading the iOS. What do you think of the new icons?"
Here Comes Mavericks and iOS 7
John Carter's keeping up with the latest news! "Apple announced the newest OS X (Mavericks) and iOS 7 to be available this fall. I expect both releases will be available by late October.
But this is what John Carter has to say, "For a fee from Verizon. I want to do it for FREE!"
So, what will the outcome be? Stay tuned for further information . . .