
Got a Smart Phone?

        A handy emailed daily tip from Here's the Thing recently has given tips for people with "smart phones."  A query to Jim Hamm brought us this reply, "Yes, I get this, and it has some useful tips. You could post a link to this in the blog and suggest to people they might take a look at it."
        And, not leaving well enough alone, Jim goes on, "So, you just have a dumb phone? That reminds me of the old adage that smart phones are for smart people, and dumb phones are for..........(grin)...Just teasing you."  And here's the link to the smart phone posts. 

Instead of CarPlay

        Quick to reply, John Carter explains his view of CarPlay that Prez Art Gorski described yesterday. He jests, "Hah! Nothing new to me. Everything that CarPlay does I can already do with my iPhone (or iPad) and a bluetooth headset.

        "On a recent trip to California, I kept in constant touch with Jackie using Messages. Siri recorded my messages to Jackie and then read back any new message from Jackie. (It wasn’t always perfect.) I listened to music or podcasts when I wasn’t messaging. With the iPhone attached to the windshield, I was always up to date with directions to my destination. I could even hazard watching a video. And of course, the only real drawback was when I was out of touch of a tower when driving through mountains, but that didn’t stop me from listening to music."

Apple is a Worldwide Leader

        "Here is an article which graphically summarizes what an impact the iPad -- and other tablets -- have had on the computer industry," is how Jim Hamm begins.  "I can remember when the iPad first came out and reading about all the snickering of the name, the cost, the lack of being a 'real' computer, etc, of a tablet. But people sure buy tablets -- to the detriment of PC shipments."
       Jim goes on to comment, "I can also recall Microsoft's Ballmer's derision of the iPhone when it first came out. Now just look how smart phones have taken off. I bet a high % of the population in the U.S. owns one."

       And here's Jim's conclusion, "Like it or not -- technology moves on and leaders of successful companies need to recognize that or fade away. The Blackberry phone comes to mind as I type this statement. Then I look at the stagnation in growth of HP and Dell and think hmmmm?"

Obsolescence by Smartphone

        Maybe you grew up with a telephone on the wall?  A party line?  A "dial"phone?  
        Look what Jim Hamm found. " Here's an interesting article about how technology moves along and replaces a variety of devices. In this article the author shows how a smartphone replaces 20 gadgets one could buy at Radio Shack about 20 years ago -- and carry their replacement in a shirt pocket or purse.

        "As another example, the mobile phone has virtually replaced public telephones -- the ones you used to see on street corners around town, but are now practically gone."

        And Jim's pronouncement:  "Technology is wonderful, unless you happen to be on the receiving end of technological obsolescence."

Mobile Phone Magic

        "Did you know -- or even care -- that your mobile phone has two operating systems? I didn't either, but here is an interesting article that explains the two systems," Jim Hamm announces this morning.  He continues with, "The little mobile phone that we use to casually talk to one another, check emails and surf the net, is one complex piece of equipment."  Check out that article from Macworld, "The Hidden Magic: A Look at the Secret Operating System Inside the iPhone." 

What's New for iPhone, iPad? Come Tomorrow & Find Out

       Having trouble figuring out the iOS 7 update for your iPhone and/or iPad? Be sure to attend this meeting to learn what’s new, what’s hot, and what’s not. We’ll also cover some really great photo apps for iOS 7.  
        This is a joint PMUG & PC meeting at Prescott Public Library tomorrow from 1-3 pm.  Come and learn some helpful info.  

13 New Tricks in OS X Mavericks

       "Here are some helpful tips if you've updated to Mavericks," Jim Hamm gets our attention.  He goes on to explain,  "Tip #6 is handy in the syncing aspect, especially since I do use a secure Keychain for my sensitive passwords and to have them synced and handy on my iPhone and iPad would be nice. I do have mixed emotions about this feature, though -- I'm not a fan of storing my passwords in the Cloud. So far I've not implemented this feature." 

iMessage Feature: Blue, Green, Red?

        Jim Hamm sends some interesting how-to for users of iMessage.  "One nice feature of iOS is iMessage. If both parties have a device (an iPhone or iPad) with iMessage then text messages can be sent to each other for free. This bypasses the carrier and no text message fee is encountered by either party. 

        "Apple has made it easy to determine if the message will be free for both parties. When you go to send an iMessage and tap the number (or email address) of the person you want to send the message to, take a look at the number or email's color. If it is blue it means both parties have iMessage and the text will be sent free of charge. If the color is green on an iPhone (or red on an iPad) it means the message will be sent as a regular text message and fees will be incurred by both parties. If one, or both, parties have already subscribed to and paid a monthly fee for text messaging, there won't be an incremental charge.
        "Apple's servers know if both parties have the capability of iMessage. If, say, you have an iOS device and want to send a text message via iMessage to someone who doesn't have iMessage, then the color of the number will be green or red instead of blue. Both parties could incur a text message charge from their respective carrier.  
        "If you haven't tried iMessage, you might give it a try. A quick and easy way to communicate with someone. Remember, if it's blue it's free to do...(grin)."
        But Jim, what website do you recommend for someone who needs more iMessage help?   Here comes his answer,  "Take a look here, and here for more info on iMessage."