"If you should decide to use two-step verification as a further protection from ransomware and other malware, here is an article with details on how to go about setting this up," writes Jim Hamm.
And John Carter sends this advice: "If you get a notice from USPS to click on a button to open a shipping label to print, don’t. Any email is safe to open. Just don’t click on anything unless you have verified what you are clicking on."
iPhone Security
Security, Privacy, Anonymity Tips
Everybody wants to know more! Security and Privacy are huge topics these days. Today's PMUG meeting featured Ward Stanke, and his helpful notes with lots of links have already been posted by Mary Ann Clark to the PMUG page here: http://pmug.us/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/2014-05-17-PMUG-Security-and-Privacy.pdf
Another Search Engine for Privacy
Ginger Carlson passes along this information: "Here's another search engine that is supposed to protect one's privacy that a friend told me about. I have downloaded it and used it a few times.
"If you go to www.startpage.com it has a search block and beneath it "Add to Firefox" (which is her browser). It works for Safari, too. When I downloaded it I thought the download hadn't worked until I noticed the tiny little "SP" icon on the left side of the address bar."
Another Security Flaw — Again
Another security flaw surfaces. Read who is involved here http://www.cultofmac.com/277199/security-flaw-makes-easy-scammers-steal-data/
Info on Aviator
"If you're all enthused now, here is the website where you can download this browser for either OS X or Windows.
"I've not tried this browser yet, as we're traveling and it isn't convenient to do so. However, one of these days I'll give it a try -- more out of curiosity than any real concern about browsing the web."
Apple's Fix for "Heartbleed"
"I was curious about 'Heartbleed' hearing a lot about it," David Passell acknowledged. He found some important info. "It apparently can infect Mavericks users and IOS 6.users. Since I am still in the "stone age" with Snow Leopard I am apparently not subject to it." Read zdnet
Sure enough, the article emphasizes that the fix is in Apple's 10.9.2 update for Mavericks. Vulnerability is not present in versions of OS X prior to OS X 10.9 Mavericks or iOS prior to iOS6.
Protect Yourself from "Heartbleed" Bug
Following up on the post just below, Jim Hamm sends this article with further info on the new security bug called "Heartbleed" bug. See it here.
WPA2 Security Cracked
" Here is an article describing a vulnerability found in WPA2 wireless security. After reading the article I suspect most homeowners needn't be unduly concerned. This vulnerability might be a bit more of a concern for commercial WiFi users, though." Thanks to Jim Hamm for this notification.
Gmail Messages Will Now Be Encrypted
"If you use Gmail, the following is some good news for you," Jim Hamm declares. The article from Gizmodo says, "Good news, security lovers. Google just announced that Gmail will be encrypted all the time." Read the article here.
Clip Art, Photos, Recent Discoveries
What a clever picture. It grabbed my attention and I just had to read what the article said. Ever said that?
Google to the rescue. Well, first I emailed John Carter to ask where he’d found the photo he posted to the pmug.us website.
Practical Privacy
"Here is an interesting article on browser privacy mode," remarks David Passell. "A use that really stood out for me was the way to circumvent the NY times 10 article/month limit. I will have to try that since I used to get a lot of news from NY Times site before they began charging. Now I use the freely available BBC news site." Look here.
If you're using Safari and have clicked Block Cookies Always, and are continually aggravated at the number of Cookies noted, you might see if Private Browsing works for you.
Security Flaw Warning
Jim Hamm informs us, "Here is an article about a vulnerability in iOS and OS X on a shared network you should be aware of." http://gizmodo.com/why-apples-huge-security-flaw-is-so-scary-1529041062.
Secure From Hackers?
The headline brought attention to a new hackers' method: http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/12/12/computers-can-be-hacked-with-high-frequency-sounds/?intcmp=obnetwork
Time to get John Carter's opinion of the serious possibilities. This is what he has to say, "This technique takes advantage of the audio input/output on the computer. Most notably, the computers mentioned were a Lenovo business computer. Also mentioned was Linux. Now, if Linux computers can be hacked like this, so can a Mac or any smart phone or tablet.
Adobe Security Breach
"The recent hacking of passwords stored by Adobe seems to have expanded," declares Jim Hamm. He goes on to say, "Take a read on this article. This is one reason why I haven't stored any passwords in the 'Cloud" -- I'm concerned about security breaches such as this. I like to keep my passwords close to me."
Flash Player on Mavericks
Now that we know what "sandboxed" is read this good news about Flash Player found by Jim Hamm here: http://appleinsider.com/articles/13/10/24/adobe-confirms-flash-player-is-sandboxed-in-safari-for-os-x-mavericks-
You Can Sandbox Flash Player
You can Sandbox Flash Player in Safari for OS Mavericks as described and explained in this article http://techland.time.com/2013/10/24/finally-you-can-sandbox-flash-player-in-safari-for-os-x-mavericks/
What’s an “app sandbox?. Here’s Apple’s guide to this protection for your security. https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Security/Conceptual/AppSandboxDesignGuide/AboutAppSandbox/AboutAppSandbox.html
Prevent Google From Monetizing Your Face
"Here's an article that may be of interest. I opted out (deselected) from permitting Google to use my picture or opinion for anything. Also, In iOS 7, I turned on 'Limit Ad Tracking' as well in the privacy settings," Jim Hamm informs us.
Password Problems
After speaking to the PMUG meeting this morning, Jim Hamm informs us, "Here's another article about the NSA after our passwords again. As I discussed in my presentation today, articles about passwords and password hacking are increasingly in the news.
Privacy Settings in iOS 7
"Here is an article with some suggestions for privacy settings in iOS 7," Jim Hamm wants us to know.