
Same Song, Another Verse (NeoOffice)

        John Carter to the rescue.  A question on NeoOffice brought this speedy reply. "Documents written with Pages will not come up in NeoOffice, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or MS Office.

        "Documents written with MS Word will come up in NeoOffice, but there may be some formatting changes.
        "The only reason to use NeoOffice is if you don’t have MS Office and you want to create a document that can be shared with MS Office users in the .doc format — but you have to keep the formatting simple and use only standard fonts like Arial, Courier, Times, Helvetica, etc.
       "Personally, I have MS Office but only for tutoring purposes. I use Pages for PMUG documents and NeoOffice for everything else. Pages is not a real document processor and NeoOffice is."  So, now we know more than we did.  Thanks, John. 

More to Say, More to Write

          Ah, technology!  Ah, new developments!  Ug, new acronyms and new terminology! 
         Off hand, do you remember what JPEG stands for?  What about DSLR?  What about …..?
        Mac to the rescue.  When you click on the Dictionary icon in the Dock here’s what comes up.  
        I expected Apple to provide answers to my growing list of acronyms, but did find some help by clicking on Wikipedia.  The Dictionary didn’t know, neither did the Thesaurus. 
        Click on Dictionary, look at the top menu. Click on Services and see some unexpected categories you can view.  (Remember to click on the little screen shots here to enlarge the size.  Then click on it again to shrink it back and come back to this page.)

        Add to iTunes as a Spoken Track.  Make New Sticky Note.  Summarize. 

        Check out Preferences.  Drag reference sources into the order you prefer.  You can even choose the type of pronunciation you wish to see. 

        I did find  and a list of medical acronyms 
        Heard of Slovoed Dictionaries?  It offers a FREE dictionary of the month.  and can be viewed in Mac App Store.  

More to Say, More to Write!
       So, you wrote something nice TO your mom for Mother’s Day, or you wrote something nice ABOUT your mom for your kids and grandkids. It’s so nice to write with Mac.  And you can print out the size of type that makes it easy to read.  But now, here comes Father’s Day.  Time to turn on your remembrances and your creativity again.
       Looking at an old photograph might stir up some memories.  Nifty to have so many pictures on your computer. Jot down your first ideas for your first draft.  (It’s not done yet!) 
        Writing about a hunting trip sounded promising.  But the first draft on the computer had too many “said” and “asked” words.  Go to Dictionary, and Thesaurus. Look at all the words to choose.  
      Go back to that draft of your writing and click somewhere on it. 

       Then do Command + F  to bring up Find and Replace.  I entered “said” and my happy computer put a nice yellow box around each instance of this word, one at a time.  I could choose which to delete and replace with a suitable synonym.  
        Another time, I wanted to write a fictional piece for some young cousins.  Going to Google, I typed in puzzle and then images.  I scrolled through a lot of clip art and photos until I found one to use.

  I’ve mentioned before, I use bluesquirrel’s program ClickBook for Mac to make booklets.  It shrinks down the type size and picture size to fit the page.  You have over 100 layouts to choose from.  
       You’ll have fun writing with Pages.
       Check our newsblog regularly to see all the info that’s being added.
       Keep up the good work.  See you next time.  Bring a friend!  
* * * 
                          This is today's handout, 5-17-14 at PMUG meeting, by Elaine Hardt 

FREE IWork Apps

        Jim Hamm's been busy with Mavericks, don't you know.  He sends us one more link with helpful information.  "With the release of Mavericks Apple has enabled FREE upgrades for iWork apps such as Pages, Numbers and Keynote. Here's an article with further details. A nice touch by Apple. 

        "Apple has so much cash stashed away they've become quite liberal with pricing their OS updates -- as in FREE for Mavericks. Hard to quarrel with that price...(grin)."  Jim

Here's the Help You Need

John Carter is a busy guy.  You've heard his PMUG presentations, maybe his SIG ones, too.  But John can give you personal help for those pesky problems that are slowing you down.          At Saturday's PMUG meeting former Prez Howard LaPittus was bragging on John's helpfulness. Email John here.   And he passes along the following info, too.         Zenda Sergo is another local resource for anyone looking to take a formal class on how to use their Apple device or to learn a particular app like iPhoto or Pages. Zenda has a website that shows what classes she is offering. All classes are 2 hours in length, and she provides handouts ("Unlike me," comments John. "but then I don't have a formal class schedule to work from.").   Click here for her website.

Look at Templates, Also See Videos

The following was March's handout at PMUG. Have you looked at Pages Templates lately?  This is Pages ’09.

In Pages > File > New From Template Chooser  look at the choices.  Click to open and bring up the samples on the screen.  Take a look and see what you’d like to try. (Click to enlarge, then click again to go back to this page.)  
Notice in Pages > Share.  See these possibilities:  
Then take a glance at the resources under Help, shown in this screen shot below.  Looks like Help might help!  
                                            

Some of the following links employ Adobe Flash. If you encounter one, you should open that link using Google Chrome instead of Safari.

Videos and PowerPoint presentations that might be interesting to see:

25 presentations of famous architecture of the past and present

Over 50 presentations of geology, from rocks on earth to rocks in outer space. provides 3D views of the world’s most famous buildings and places. (Requires Flash)

Download Google Earth for Mac, PC or Linux.  Zoom from space to street level and tour the world.

Tourism gallery with 7 links.

In Showcase, learn about US presidents and tour their birthplaces, the ocean, the moon, art museums, baseball stadiums, world skyscrapers, soccer stadiums. 

A monthly newsletter with illustrations. The latest is Google Earth 6.2  with features of street view, driving directions,etc.

Videos of animals by categories.

Earthquakes around the world, prepping for disasters, self-defense, top 10 trips to take this spring.

For amazing videos of volcanoes, click here.

30 famous historical figures when they were young.

Life history of world famous people in various spheres of life

Have you found something interesting on the Internet lately?  Want to share ideas?  

           

Hope to see you next time.


Your Surprise for Your Family

With your handy Mac computer you can easily make a nice surprise present for your family.  Here’s three things that only YOU can do for your kids, grandkids, even the old folks!  

  1. Make an “Old Time Favorites” cookbook from recipes handed down to you -- probably handwritten! Collect enough for 24 pages, some from each category.  Write something about who originally made that yummy stuff.
  2. Make an “Shortcut Recipe” cookbook.  This is where you’ve updated and simplified your own favorites.  Instead of feeding 10, maybe change to feeding 2 or 4.  Use modern ingredients, the microwave, convection oven. 
  3. Make a “I Remember When” booklet.  This is not your entire lifetime on 24 pages! Just some interesting highlights that you do recall.  Describe what makes those events significant in your memory. 
Jot down the first ideas that come to mind.  Let it rest a few days.  Reread and then rewrite. 
        Can you picture this as a 5 ½ x 8 ½ booklet which you’d staple?  Would it work better on full size pages, 3-hole punched, in a notebook? Or, a spiral-bound booklet? 
        In Pages go to File > New from Template Chooser.  See if you get any bright ideas after looking at these examples.  
That’s the screen shot pasted here to the left side. 
        With Microsoft Word: Mac 2011 you can go to File >  New from Templates and click to view Online Templates.  There are a lot from which to choose.  
        If you use the Blue Squirrel program, Click Book will do the layouts for various kinds of booklets.    Here’s the link for Mac ClickBook:  It’s $49.95 for OS X, compatible with Lion and Mountain Lion.  Note special pricing on Print to iPad, iPhone, Android, or Kindle. They have more than 70 custom layout styles.
        You might even scan and paste in some photos.  Be creative! Picture the compliments!
        Help us spread the PMUG info,   And write and tell us what you’re learning and doing:   We want our PMUG to be helpful and friendly. It’s a time to enjoy and participate. 
Words, More Words, and Lots-a Words!
Yes, you use the Mac Dictionary.  How handy to have it on the dock, and easily look up definitions, the Thesaurus, Apple dictionary and Wikipedia.  But what about specialized dictionaries?  There’s a bunch!  
YourDictionary  lists most misspelled words,  how to do wild card search, brain training games, etc.  know the idea you want to convey but are fishing for that certain word?  Describe the concept and up comes pages of suggested terms.  Good for generating a list of words in some category.  extra features make this a helpful site to check on. 
Going to Apple’s webpage brings up , a free app for your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.   lists some specialized dictionaries, free thesauri, translation tools, spellcheckers, games, images, reference desk. 
       Here’s fun with the Mac’s Apple dictionary.  Open it and type in “a” and up comes a list of every entry beginning with that letter.  You’ll find things you didn’t know! Explore and learn. 
       Today, smile at that person sitting next to you and introduce yourself.  Maybe they just moved here from  Last Chance, Iowa or Beanville, Vermont or Fort Necessity, Louisiana.   (Yes, I found those listed in  Your birthplace listed there?)  
        See you next time? 
(This is the handout for 11-17-12 from Elaine) 

Up-grade, Frowns or Smiles

You’ve heard about the OS version Mountain Lion.  Have you upgraded yet? 

Do you remember all those names of the previous Mac operating systems?  Look at Wikipedia to flash back to Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard. Maybe you have Lion?  I postponed that until last month, then made the leap to Mountain Lion, two weeks later. 
Maybe you have an automatic sense about these technological things and will know what to do and when and how.  Others of us are still fiddling with previous challenges.
LET’S LOOK AT PAGES           
After years of using Microsoft Word ‘97 it was Dan and Erica Simpson who demoed Pages at their home SIG.  So, that was the time to do it.  And now I‘m up to  Pages ’09, version 4.2
I heard that Lion would not accept my old Word documents, but PMUG people Allen Laudenslager and John Carter and Jim Hamm were an encouragement.  It was time to see what Pages can do with those old documents saved on my Mac.  
I clicked to highlight the name of one old Word ’97 document and did Command I  (lower case i)  which brings up Finder, Spotlight Comments and Info on that document:  Kind, size, where it is, date created, date modified, preview, sharing and permissions, and Open With option to open with Word, Text Edit,  Preview, Pages and several other options.
 With trepidation I chose Pages and  “Use this application to open all documents like this one”  and Change All, hoping it could read my mind.  It did OK.  All the previous several hundred writings I had written since 1997 in Word 97-2004 now open up in Pages.  The only disappointment is that page margins are not exactly the same.  Some documents need to have margins set wider since that was the way I’d initially laid it out when I wrote it in Word ’97.
When you’re writing in Pages it lets you choose Save As Word Document when you do Option Shift Command S.
Here’s a list of features of Word: Mac 2011
Opening Help when you have opened Word: Mac 2011 you can go to  File Formats for saving documents, and that introduces you to such abbreviations as .docx — .doc — .rtf — .htm — .docm — .xml — .xml — .mht — .dic — .thmx
Word: Mac 2011 does let you choose AutoRecovery for anytime from 1 to 120 minutes.  
You can choose to Password Protect your document in Word and in Pages
You can highlight text that you’ve written using  Word:Mac 2011 and do Command + C to copy, then paste it Command + V into a Pages document.  It does copy over into Pages in the same exact font you started with in Word.   
MORE ON PAGES ‘09: Here’s their directions under Help:  Saving a Copy of a Document.  
To save a copy of a document in OS X v.10.6 (Snow Leopard) or earlier: 
     Choose File > Save As, and then specify a name and location.
When the document is copied in this way, the original document is closed; the document that remains open on your desktop is the new copy you created. To work with the original version, choose File > Open Recent and choose the previous version from the submenu.
To save a copy of a document in Mac OS X v.10.7 (Lion) or later:
  1. Choose File > Duplicate.
    An untitled copy of the document is created. Both copies remain open on your desktop for you to view or edit.
  2. Close the window of the untitled copy, type the document’s name, and then choose a location from the pop-up menu.
  3. Click Save.
Pages lets you email a document by choosing Share >Send via Mail.  You then choose which version, Pages, Word, or PDF.  The new email message opens with the document version attached to it.  
Here’s the link to 5 pages of comments and suggestions from the Macworld Forum: 
One contributor gave this quick tip: “I have even gotten old Mac write pro documents (system 9!) to open with this trick, as well as old AppleWorks files too old to go easily into Pages. Find the old document, then change the file extension at the end to .txt then right click and tell it to open in Pages. You'll hit some scribble at the top and bottom, but it's gold for opening 10 year old files you don't want to retype!”
Try this to open an Old Unix Executable file.  Highlight the title of the document in the list, do Command I  and under Open with choose Text Edit.  It came up, so I now save it. It still is listed in my Archives as Kind: Unix E...le File, but when clicked it opens in Text Edit.  I’ve made a new copy of it and saved as pdf with Adobe Reader. 
YES, WE ARE HAVING FUN.            
What have you discovered about Mac and your Apple products?  If you have some interesting info to share on our newsblog why not drop me a line at  The RSS feature was discontinued by Google, so you’ll have to be creative at checking out  so you can benefit from our members sharing their talents and time with you. 
So far this year I’ve posted 309 articles, but last year it was 339.  Top contributors for 2011: 1st = Jim Hamm,  2nd = John Carter, 3rd = David Passell.  Nine other members sent me articles to post last year.
Aren’t you glad you came to PMUG!  Prescott Mac User Group keeps going with friendly, helpful people like you who ask questions and share answers!    
                                                                     
This is today's handout at the PMUG meeting! 

Alphabetize/Sort with Pages

        After my complaining about Pages (7-24), let's hear from John Carter who explains how to sort lists: 
"Pages will only sort lists that are in a table. Here’s the process (gleaned from here):
     Select the paragraphs to sort.
     menu Format > Table > Convert text to table
     Select the table cells, then
     Inspector > Table >  Edit Rows and columns > Sort …
     menu Format > Table > Convert table to text."

Changing Documents from Word to Pages

        With a huge file of things accumulated that I wrote with Microsoft Word '97 and then Word 2004 holding up my upgrade to Lion the question is: how to change every document to Pages. More recently I’ve gone from Pages ’08 to Pages ’09, which is currently v. 4.1.
        Here’s the solution, unless you can come up with something easier that doesn’t cost $$$.  Click on the title of a document in the folder to highlight it, then Control Click on the title. On the little drop down menu choose Save As and select Pages.
        (Pages is a good writing tool for me, with one exception:  it doesn't know how to alphabetize a list, or "sort" as Word refers to the procedure under the heading Tools.)

Finding Special Characters in Pages

"In Microsoft Word and a few other text editors like BBEdit and TextWranger, you can type special codes to search for things like carriage returns or tabs," Art Gorski explains.  " In Pages and TextEdit, there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. But if you hold down the Option key when you type these characters in a Search and Replace dialog it works!"  Read how Macworld explains this feature.