
Apple's Announcements Today

        Today was the big day.  Take a look at the latest here:  http://www.apple.com   and see keynote,   and look here for two entries posted today: http://www.apple.com/hotnews/ 
       Prez Art Gorski sends along this link http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/apples-overhauled-ios-7-is-coming-september-18-to-an-idevice-near-you/ , with his comment, "In just over a week, your iPad or iPhone will have a software update to iOS 7.  This will be a total makeover, changing the look of just about everything, and adding some new features.  It will take a little time to get used to it all, and hopefully Apple will provide some tutorials for users."  

No, Your Data Isn't Secure in the Cloud

          John Carter wants to share his viewpoint on security in the Cloud.  "You do understand that it's the government that is insisting on an open book for all personal information, yet they also insist on not telling us anything they don't want us to know about - like what really happened at Roswell and other places.

        "I really don't care how deep the government is looking into my personal affairs. In fact, I want them to be able to pry into the private life of any citizen planning on running for a public office at every level of government from our local supervisor and councilman to the President. 
        "The ONLY way to have access to my passwords across all devices without using the cloud is to carry a thumb drive —and it won't connect to my iPhone, iPod, or iPad. That makes no sense. 
        "So, using iCloud or Dropbox to store my passwords is my only sure way of being able to access them when I need them from any device. And with 128 bit encryption, that is secure enough to prevent Joe the Plumber (and even my high-tech buddies) from getting at them. I'm safe from the hackers, and that's all that really concerns me.
        "Now, if one of those hackers works for the government and is nefarious enough to steal encrypted data for personal gain, I can't stop that. No one can. It would take an act of Congress to prevent even the government from accessing encrypted files, and then only foreign governments would be able to access my personal files. Right back where I started from."  
        And thanks to John for adding to this discussion.  

Calendar Tip

        "I just solved a problem with a Mac user who was having problems with her Calendar on the iPad," John Carter informs us.  " Every calendar entry suddenly disappeared, but it was all there on her laptop. Every trick I knew was tried to no avail. Ultimately, there was only one trick left. The solution was to delete the iCloud account on the iPad and then recreate it. This deleted all iCloud related information on the iPad when the account was deleted, but it came back again once she signed back on to iCloud on the iPad. I am sure the same applies to laptops and desktops.

        And John signs off with this reassurance, "Unlike dangerous stunts, you can try this on your own."

OLPC Coming to Walmart

         David Passell passes along comments with this info,  "Since i have two of the first of the little beasts circa 2008, I thought someone might like to see this."  He's referring to the One Laptop Per Child project.  He goes on to say, "Another small competitor to the iPad? They run Linux. I never used them much cause i'm not a little kid with tiny fingers:).
        "A deal with Walmart gives OLPC a shot at bring educational technology to the poor in the U.S. and potentially more scale for emerging markets."   Read more here:  http://www.zdnet.com/one-laptop-per-child-launches-xo-tablet-via-walmart-7000018175/ 

iPhone, iPad and Facetime Calls

        Jim Hamm asks for information and insight.  He says, "A friend has posed the question whether using Facetime on an iPhone use cellular minutes or data from one's data plan if connected to wifi? From reading the comments on the Verizon Wireless Forum, some say yes and some say no. Apparently calls to Verizon get different answers. 

        Here is yet another set of conflicting comments on a mobile forum.
        "I did a bit more research on my iPhone 5 and in settings I turned off  'Data Cellular' wherein no data can be transmitted over the cellular network. I'm connected to wifi and initiated a phone call on Facetime and it went through fine, but I know it's not using any data from my data plan. However, It may still be using minutes from my cellular minutes plan even though I'm connected to wifi -- but I'm not sure of that. 
        "This  question is important for my friend in that she has a certain amount of minutes and cellular data and doesn't want to burn through that unwittingly. 
        "If an iPad is connected to wifi one can make a Facetime call and for sure no minutes or data cellular are used. But an iPhone is different in that a cellular plan normally is initiated in order to use the phone. Some carriers now permit a Facetime call over a cellular network (no wifi) and in that case for sure the call is using minutes and may be using the data plan as well since video is involved."
        Jim asks for input,  "If anyone has further insight into whether an iPhone connected to wifi uses cellular minutes when making a Facetime call, let me know if you would. Thanks."

Mayo Clinic Using iPhone, iPad

        A recent posting at www.apple.com/hotnews brings up an interesting article about Mayo Clinic.  www.apple.com/ipad/business/profiles/mayo-clinic/   Using custom apps for physicians and patients on iPhone, iPad and iPad mini Mayo is "transforming the capabilities of individualized patient care."  It describes the app Synthesis Mobile that gives physicians instant access, and iOS provides security for patients using their password for personal information.  
        You can get Hot News info updated via RSS to NetNewsWire. 

iPad at Work

The three seminars that were previously mentioned by this post are no longer available. David Sparks at Macsparky.com talks about his book iPad At Work. The book is available at Amazon.com. There are 24 chapters that cover everything possible for using an iPad in a working environment. This book is a derivative of his earlier book Mac At Work.

Apple often provides online seminars for similar products. The iPad at Work seminar by Apple can be found here.

Zinio Has Arrived at PPL Library

Prez Art Gorski declares, "Look like I'll finally have to buy an iPad!"  The news is: libraries now offer Zinio for Yavapai County citizens.  See this link      Now here's the Prescott Public Library website, and Art clarifies, "With your library card, you can access hundreds of digital magazines and read them on your computer or mobile device."        

About IMAP and POP

        "If you'd like to understand better what the email protocol 'IMAP' is all about, here is an article that gives a good description of it," begins Jim Hamm with his trademark grin.  He acknowledges, "Understandably, you may not care. If the client you use for email works for you, and you're not inclined to change, then just bypass this article.

        "As an ancillary note, I use IMAP— and like it — but no longer use an email client, like Apple's Mail, on any of my computers or iOS devices. I use the web-based Gmail as my email client. That is, I log into Gmail on their server and do all my email reading, etc., there — not on my computer. I find this to be much simpler: all my emails are always coordinated and in-sync between all my devices, all of the emails I've ever received are permanently stored there (mighty handy to look up an old email from a long time ago), and I never have to worry or fuss with doing an update to my email program -- Google takes care of that for me — and I never have to tell anyone to 'hold sending any email to me while I travel'  — I've got plenty of storage space in Gmail." 

Digital Watermarking

        Curiosity piqued from the April issue of CostCo Connection it was time to look for more info on digital watermarking.  With an iPhone or iPad or similar smartphone or tablet device a person can get info that's hidden from the ordinary view.  "Digital Watermarking -  New technology links print and online" was the headline.  The sidebar article tells how each new edition of the magazine will be using this new type of interaction. 
        A Google search brings up some likely places to start finding out more.   
http://www.scribd.com/doc/132555474/Digital-Water-Marking  technology and technique described
http://appfinder.lisisoft.com/ipad-iphone-apps/digital-watermark.html  50 apps so you can watermark your photos and digital works  -  iPad iPhone Apps 

http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3397207   forum discussions on best programs for Mac. 

How to Update to iOS 6

        John Carter gives directions, "iOS 6.1.2 update is available. How should you proceed? This notice is going out to a large group of people, and you may get this notice more than once. If you do not own an iOS device, you may disregard this notice.

        "First, how often do you perform a backup of your iOS device (iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone)? Did you know that you can backup your iOS device either by connecting it directly to your computer, or by Wi-Fi if you have the option set in iTunes to do a sync with the device over Wi-Fi? For the iPhone and iPod Touch, you can also set an option to automatically sync the device when the device is connected to the computer (this option is not available for the iPad)."
        Here's John's next suggestion, "Backing up an iOS device can be done to either a Cloud storage or to your computer using iTunes. Most devices can exceed the free 5GB storage of any Cloud storage, so it's probably best to backup to your computer."
        And, now for a caution, "Also, before doing a backup or an update, do an update of iTunes, sync your device, and then perform a backup followed by the update. You should also then perform another backup after the update is complete. The before update is necessary in case something goes wrong with the update process and you need to restore and start over again.
        "When you connect your iOS device to your computer, iTunes may automatically start up. If it doesn't, you'll have to manually start iTunes. When iTunes starts, you may get a notice that an update for the device is available. If you haven't done a device backup since the last time you made any changes to the content of the device, you should cancel the update, perform a sync, then perform a backup, and then do the update followed by another backup".
        Pay attention to John's warning, "If you find that when doing an update using iTunes that the downloaded file is corrupt (the update is approximately 1GB, and a file this large may not be properly handled), rather than perform the update using iTunes, try the update from the device itself (Settings -> General -> Software Update). One setting in 'Disk Utility' may be the culprit of a corrupt download. That setting is 'Verify Checksums' (open Disk Utility -> Preferences and uncheck that option). 
        "Even with this option unchecked, the large file might still be corrupt. Another possible cause of a corrupt download is some firewall setting in the Internet modem (unproven). If that happens, then it is really necessary to perform the update from the device itself. To do that, disconnect the device from the computer, power-cycle the device, and then go into Settings -> General -> Software Update. You may even find that the download goes much faster when updating from the device."
        Now, a call for patience!  John says, "In all, it may take several minutes to do all these steps, so your patience is necessary.
        "Following this procedure will ensure that your device will be updated properly and your content will not be lost."
        And, in closing John reviews it: 
  1. Update iTunes.
  2. Sync your device to iTunes.
  3. Backup your device.
  4. Perform the update either from iTunes or from the device.
  5. Backup your device again.      (Got it? Thanks to John Carter!) 

10 Tips for the iPad

       "Here's an article that lists 10 useful tips for your iPad," announced Jim Hamm.  He goes on to say, "Also, if you have an interest, you can subscribe to a daily email from this site which has tips on a variety of topics."  
        And you'll probably remember that our November 19 posting here there's a brief mention about Ben from Brooklyn and suggests you might like to subscribe to his email, "Here's the Thing."  

More About Library Access to the Internet

        John's found out more about accessing the Internet at the Prescott Public Library.  His complete report has now been posted to the PMUG website.  Take a look at the details he explains under Benefits > Tips 'N Tricks.  You'll also find there his slide presentation to the PMUG/PC meeting a few weeks ago.  A big thanks to John Carter! 

iPad Humor

        Ready for a smile?   At 5 + minutes this will bring you a bunch.  Jim Hamm introduces it this way:  "I knew the iPad was powerful, but didn't realize all its capabilities until I watched this video. I've got to check the manual to try and find how he did all that."  ...(grin)...Jim

        "You do not have to understand a word of German to appreciate this guy. The
most impressive I-Pad salesman ever!"