"Here is an article describing a new browser designed by Opera specifically for the iPad: Coast. You can download it at the app store. I've tried it briefly, and it seems fine so far," writes Jim Hamm. And, no doubt, he will keep us posted.
Apple's Announcements Today
Today was the big day. Take a look at the latest here: http://www.apple.com and see keynote, and look here for two entries posted today: http://www.apple.com/hotnews/
Prez Art Gorski sends along this link http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/apples-overhauled-ios-7-is-coming-september-18-to-an-idevice-near-you/ , with his comment, "In just over a week, your iPad or iPhone will have a software update to iOS 7. This will be a total makeover, changing the look of just about everything, and adding some new features. It will take a little time to get used to it all, and hopefully Apple will provide some tutorials for users."
Desktop for Your iPad
"In case you didn't see it, here is an interesting article on a new service that connects your iPad to your computer. Now you have access to everything that's on your computer via your iPad. A downside? Possibly -- the service costs $80/year," Jim Hamm tells us. Try this link: http://www.nytimes.com/pages/technology/index.html
Type on Your iPad?
Sent from his iPad, Jim Hamm writes, "If you do much typing on an iPad, here is an article about a text editor that might be helpful."
No, Your Data Isn't Secure in the Cloud
John Carter wants to share his viewpoint on security in the Cloud. "You do understand that it's the government that is insisting on an open book for all personal information, yet they also insist on not telling us anything they don't want us to know about - like what really happened at Roswell and other places.
Calendar Tip
"I just solved a problem with a Mac user who was having problems with her Calendar on the iPad," John Carter informs us. " Every calendar entry suddenly disappeared, but it was all there on her laptop. Every trick I knew was tried to no avail. Ultimately, there was only one trick left. The solution was to delete the iCloud account on the iPad and then recreate it. This deleted all iCloud related information on the iPad when the account was deleted, but it came back again once she signed back on to iCloud on the iPad. I am sure the same applies to laptops and desktops.
iPad Goes to School
Maybe you saw this already: Los Angeles School Board of Education announced a program to give school kids 31,000 free iPads this year, with 609,000 to be issued by the end of 2014. http://www.cultofmac.com/237359/640000-la-school-kids-to-receive-free-ipads-in-30-million-program/ This program will cover 47 campuses.
OLPC Coming to Walmart
David Passell passes along comments with this info, "Since i have two of the first of the little beasts circa 2008, I thought someone might like to see this." He's referring to the One Laptop Per Child project. He goes on to say, "Another small competitor to the iPad? They run Linux. I never used them much cause i'm not a little kid with tiny fingers:).
"A deal with Walmart gives OLPC a shot at bring educational technology to the poor in the U.S. and potentially more scale for emerging markets." Read more here: http://www.zdnet.com/one-laptop-per-child-launches-xo-tablet-via-walmart-7000018175/
iPhone, iPad and Facetime Calls
Jim Hamm asks for information and insight. He says, "A friend has posed the question whether using Facetime on an iPhone use cellular minutes or data from one's data plan if connected to wifi? From reading the comments on the Verizon Wireless Forum, some say yes and some say no. Apparently calls to Verizon get different answers.
Mayo Clinic Using iPhone, iPad
A recent posting at www.apple.com/hotnews brings up an interesting article about Mayo Clinic. www.apple.com/ipad/business/profiles/mayo-clinic/ Using custom apps for physicians and patients on iPhone, iPad and iPad mini Mayo is "transforming the capabilities of individualized patient care." It describes the app Synthesis Mobile that gives physicians instant access, and iOS provides security for patients using their password for personal information.
You can get Hot News info updated via RSS to NetNewsWire.
iPad at Work
The three seminars that were previously mentioned by this post are no longer available. David Sparks at Macsparky.com talks about his book iPad At Work. The book is available at Amazon.com. There are 24 chapters that cover everything possible for using an iPad in a working environment. This book is a derivative of his earlier book Mac At Work.
Apple often provides online seminars for similar products. The iPad at Work seminar by Apple can be found here.
Zinio Has Arrived at PPL Library
Prez Art Gorski declares, "Look like I'll finally have to buy an iPad!" The news is: libraries now offer Zinio for Yavapai County citizens. See this link. Now here's the Prescott Public Library website, and Art clarifies, "With your library card, you can access hundreds of digital magazines and read them on your computer or mobile device."
About IMAP and POP
"If you'd like to understand better what the email protocol 'IMAP' is all about, here is an article that gives a good description of it," begins Jim Hamm with his trademark grin. He acknowledges, "Understandably, you may not care. If the client you use for email works for you, and you're not inclined to change, then just bypass this article.
Digital Watermarking
Curiosity piqued from the April issue of CostCo Connection it was time to look for more info on digital watermarking. With an iPhone or iPad or similar smartphone or tablet device a person can get info that's hidden from the ordinary view. "Digital Watermarking - New technology links print and online" was the headline. The sidebar article tells how each new edition of the magazine will be using this new type of interaction.
A Google search brings up some likely places to start finding out more.
http://www.scribd.com/doc/132555474/Digital-Water-Marking technology and technique described
http://appfinder.lisisoft.com/ipad-iphone-apps/digital-watermark.html 50 apps so you can watermark your photos and digital works - iPad iPhone Apps
http://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/3397207 forum discussions on best programs for Mac.
How to Update to iOS 6
John Carter gives directions, "iOS 6.1.2 update is available. How should you proceed? This notice is going out to a large group of people, and you may get this notice more than once. If you do not own an iOS device, you may disregard this notice.
- Update iTunes.
- Sync your device to iTunes.
- Backup your device.
- Perform the update either from iTunes or from the device.
- Backup your device again. (Got it? Thanks to John Carter!)
Replace Mac with an iPad?
Here's Prez Art Gorski's take on replacing your Mac. "Although the author makes the case for advanced users, I still believe that many casual Mac users can replace their Mac with an iPad these days." http://www.macworld.com/article/2028968/why-the-ipad-still-cant-be-a-true-mac-replacement.html
10 Tips for the iPad
"Here's an article that lists 10 useful tips for your iPad," announced Jim Hamm. He goes on to say, "Also, if you have an interest, you can subscribe to a daily email from this site which has tips on a variety of topics."
And you'll probably remember that our November 19 posting here there's a brief mention about Ben from Brooklyn and suggests you might like to subscribe to his email, "Here's the Thing."
More About Library Access to the Internet
John's found out more about accessing the Internet at the Prescott Public Library. His complete report has now been posted to the PMUG website. Take a look at the details he explains under Benefits > Tips 'N Tricks. You'll also find there his slide presentation to the PMUG/PC meeting a few weeks ago. A big thanks to John Carter!
iPad Humor
Ready for a smile? At 5 + minutes this will bring you a bunch. Jim Hamm introduces it this way: "I knew the iPad was powerful, but didn't realize all its capabilities until I watched this video. I've got to check the manual to try and find how he did all that." ...(grin)...Jim
most impressive I-Pad salesman ever!"
The iPad Innards
What’s Inside the iPad? Take a look. On page 1 scroll down to view the little thumbnail size photos and get an idea of the scope of the report. Eighteen separate photos, each on a separate page, illustrate the short descriptions.